Statistics show there are many benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren.

Although it may not be seen as a typical family dynamic, facts prove that the benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren can be very valuable.

Living with grandparents provides a stable and safe home for grandchildren. Grandparents also offer a loving home and a close bond between grandparents and grandchildren. This means it can be a win, win situation all around.

What Are the Benefits of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren?

#1. Patience

patience; benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren

With five grown children, and now raising my two grandchildren, I feel I’ve experienced every stage of childhood. Of course, I learned more about parenting with each child. Yet, there were many years I lost my patience and didn’t know how to handle certain situations, so I often overreacted.

Naturally, my reactions or overreactions created stress and tension with my child or children. I often argued my parenting point, believing I was “right” and they were wrong, which added to the stress and tension.

The outcomes were usually negative and feelings were hurt. I was often sad about my parenting decisions and lack of patience during trying times.

As the children grew, it was clear that I was not always right and my children were not always wrong! I learned to pick my battles more carefully and give my children the benefit of the doubt, instead of making accusations.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: Benefits of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

With that said, growing up was harder for my two older girls than it was for my three younger children. Through my older daughters, I learned how to improve my parenting style.  Eventually, I figured out not to sweat the small stuff.

While this is sometimes easier said than done, I recognized what issues and problems were truly big and those that didn’t matter.

My patience taught me to ask myself “is this a big problem or a small problem”? After identifying the weight of the issue, I learned to respond appropriately and not overreact.

Through my parenting experiences and now my grand-parenting experience of raising grandchildren, I have grasped the art of patience! (For the most part!)

Knowing how many concerns and life issues children face, it’s important to know when to weed out problems and remain patient. I really don’t sweat the small stuff AT ALL, and I recognize when and how to react when necessary.

Grandparent Experience with Patience

grandmom coloring with kids-benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren

As the saying goes, patience is a virtue and I agree! Patience is developed and grows with time and experience.

Grandparents tend to be more patient because they have experience and knowledge of raising their children. They’ve been through their fair share of impatience and learned the advantages of maintaining patience with children.

Typically, grandparents recognize the mistakes and misjudgments they made as parents and have learned better strategies over the years. One of those glorious strategies is patience!

Therefore, one of the benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren is patience.

#2. Understanding Generational Changes

3 generations of woman/benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren

As grandparents, we’ve lived through a variety of generations. Many grandparents are in the Baby Boomers or Generation X. Typically we’ve raised children who are Millennials & Generation Z. Most, not all, grandchildren are Generation Z and Generation Alpha.

Throughout these generations, grandparents have seen changes. Many, many changes! Major changes! Although I enjoy change and appreciate development, it is very difficult for some people to handle change. Even in younger generations.

As a young mother, I tried to teach my children to welcome change because everything…..truly everything changes. Therefore, learning how to adapt and adjust when things change is important. VERY important!

However, as the world changes, we need to appreciate the positives and negatives those changes offer. We need to recognize the pros and cons changes have on our society as well as our families.

Grandparents Generational Experiences

4 family generations ;benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren

Looking back, we need to acknowledge that the childhood grandparents experienced is very different from the childhood our grandchildren are experiencing. Yet, grandparents have learned to move through the generations and understand the changes. With their past experiences, grandparents can appreciate their past and understand the present.

For example, when Baby Boomers & Gen X were young, they grew up with rock and roll, new wave & disco. At that time, parents complained that the music was too loud and did not approve of it. In addition, styles were different. Boys wore long hair and girls often went braless. It was an age of freedom and openness and acceptance, but most parents did not favor it.

Genuinely, these generations stood up for what they believed in and felt proud of being strong-willed about world issues. Deep down, grandparents of today are still those youngsters and teenagers, just in older bodies.

Their thoughts and inner feelings are still reminiscences of their past generation. They still have strong beliefs and strong convictions. They understand generational issues and struggles and support their grandchildren’s principles and concerns.

Technology Generation

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Fast forward to our grandchildren’s generation, growing up in an age of technology and immediacy. Although the internet has many positives and seems fun and fabulous, children, teens, and young adults struggle with the pressure inflicted on them through technology and social media.

As we know, technology can be a double-edged sword. Lives can be damaged. Reputations can be ruined and friendships can be broken. All due to a social media post, or a picture, or a tweet! It’s INSANE!

Grandparents often talk about the “good old days”, but these days are our grandchildren’s days. These are the only days they know and understand. Honestly, these are our grandchildren’s “good old days” so it’s important to allow them the opportunity to enjoy their modern-day experiences.

Most grandparents understand changes. They remember the styles of their younger generations and try to appreciate the current cultures. Often, young people believe that older folks are “stuck in their ways”, and maybe that is true for some.

However, grandparents typically try to understand their perspectives on changes when grandchildren are involved. Grandparents understand that times changes, life changes, and generations change, and they respect their grandchildren for their generational changes.

Thus, understanding generational changes is one of the benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren.

#3. Flexibility

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Flexibility is another one of the benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren. Being flexible can include a variety of things. Many grandparents’ availability is more flexible than when they were younger. Therefore, grandparents may be available to care for grandchildren, rather than finding childcare services. (See Free & Discounted Child Care Ideas). Also, check out childcare opportunities through the Girl Scouts of America.

Grandparents may also be more flexible about spending money or what they spend their money on. Often grandparents enjoy splurging on grandchildren. Naturally, this may depend on the grandparents’ income and financial situation.

Some grandparents are in better financial situations in their older years. Of course, many grandparents may struggle financially when raising grandchildren, but they still, provide necessities. 

Throughout the years, grandparents learn the importance of spending time with loved ones, especially their grandchildren. They focus their attention on the people who are most precious and significant to them.

Grandparents don’t waste their time on meaningless things or rigid timeframes. They understand the value of time and the importance of being flexible with their time.

Also, grandparents can distinguish the meaning of being flexible with their structure and discipline. They realize that children are not perfect. No one is!

Grandparents recognize that flaws and shortcomings build personal strength and character. Therefore, they accept their grandchildren for the efforts they make and not just for every accomplishment they achieve.

Grandparents’ flexible thought processes and expectations allow grandchildren to be whom they want to be without fear of disappointment.

Hence, flexibility is one of the five benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren.

#4. Listening Skills

grandmom listening; benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren

Listening skills are one of the benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren. As we go and grow through life, grandparents recognize the importance of listening. Also, they want to discover and absorb information from others, including their grandchildren.

Children, teens, and young adults normally talk without truly listening to others. As we get older, we learn to appreciate what others are talking about. What they are saying. We listen to them tell stories, express issues, and ask questions.

Listening skills are learned and practiced over the years. Typically, when you think about older people, they are generally quiet. Listening to those around them. Largely, noticing the surrounding communications, without reacting.

As grandparents, we want to listen. We enjoy discovering information about our grandchildren and the world around us. We learn by listening to our grandchildren tell stories about school or friends.

Grandparents listen closely when grandchildren talk about their interests, disappointments, sadness, and excitement. Grandparents realize the significance and importance of listening.  They sincerely understand that listening is often more powerful and beneficial than talking.

So, having listening skills is one of the very important benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren.

# 5. Stability & Safety

grandparents drawing with grandson; benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren

A safe and stable home environment is one of the benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren.

Although this may not be the case for all grandparents, ordinarily, grandparents have lived in their home for many years. They may have raised their children in a family home and continue to raise their grandchildren there. That is the case for me.

Regardless of the specific home, grandparents tend to settle in a safe and secure home. Unfortunately, many grandchildren may have never lived in a safe and stable home environment. Therefore, having a safe and stable space is vitally important for grandchildren.

Children begin to blossom and grow when they feel safe in a stable environment. Knowing they do not need to fear their surroundings, allows children an opportunity to relax and enjoy their childhood. Living in a safe and stable home will also give grandchildren a true sense of security.

Why Grandparents are Important to Grandchildren?

2 kids in bedroom; benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren

Living in a grandparents’ home may be the first time a grandchild had their own room or bed. Grandparents not only provide a safe and stable home; they ensure grandchildren have the necessities they need. Clothing, bedding, hygiene items, school supplies, etc. (See Basic Needs of a Child)

Don’t go overboard buying necessary items. Most basics needs can be found at:

When grandparents are raising grandchildren, a safe and stable home is the most important priority for everyone to feel loved and comforted. 

Grandparents’ goal to keep grandchildren safe is visible in many ways. One of the lessons grandparents have learned over the years is fairness. They understand how to make good judgments and how to be fair. They learn when to be firm and when to be lax. They understand when to say yes and when to say no. Another one of the benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren.

Grandparents don’t buckle under the pressure of whining children. They are not easily swayed by stories or complaints. They know when to stand up for themselves and when to let the children have their way.  

Without a doubt, grandparents consider the safety and danger of every situation before making a decision and they stick to their decisions.

If grandparents are raising grandchildren, they are strong, loving, and determined and will always be sure to provide a safe and stable home for their grandchildren.

Truly, stability and safety are both benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren.

#6. Knowledge & Wisdom

old grandfather showing young boy something/; benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren

It’s often said that grandparents are full of knowledge and wisdom, which sounds a little funny!

The truth is, that most people gain knowledge and wisdom as they age. Meaning, that grandparents, because we are older, naturally have more knowledge and wisdom than we did when we were younger.

Of course, as we go through life, our experiences help us gain the knowledge and wisdom we need to get by. And if we’re lucky…and smart enough, we learn from our mistakes. So, it is our life experiences, whether they are difficult or successful, that help us develop our knowledge and wisdom. 

Honestly, no one goes through life without having challenges. Life is full of problems and struggles. Yet, it is how you handle the struggles you face that will determine positive outcomes.

Grandparents understand the ups and downs of life. They’ve lived through sad and happy times. They most likely have felt the loss of a loved one. They’ve experienced disappointment either in themselves or in others. And they have gained vast knowledge and wisdom through their life experiences.

Acquiring knowledge and wisdom throughout a lifetime is a wonderful gift for grandparents to share with their grandchildren. When grandparents express their knowledge, wisdom, and personal experiences with grandchildren they gain a closer bond, and build a strong relationship.

Lastly, sharing knowledge and wisdom are extremely meaningful benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren.

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What Are the Benefits That Grandparents and Grandchildren Get from Their Relationships?

grandparents holding girls hands/benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren

After reviewing these 6 benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren, it is clear to see the effects of grandparents raising a grandchild.

With patience, understanding of generational changes, flexibility, listening skills, stability and safety, knowledge, and wisdom, grandchildren will experience fewer negative effects of being raised by a grandparent.

Ultimately, studies show many benefits of grandparents raising grandchildren. Knowing that may make all grandparents raising grandchildren to feel loved and appreciated.


  • Be Patient! Be sure to always be patient with your grandchildren. They may need extra time to process new things and new information.
  • Understand generational changes and appreciate technology. Technology is the way of life for your grandchildren. Don’t disregard the importance of technology in your grandchild’s life.
  • Always be flexible! Being flexible shows you are willing to bend at times and not be rigid with your thoughts and decisions.
  • Practice your listening skills. Be interested in your grandchildren’s interests, stories, and struggles. It is usually more important to listen rather than talk!
  • Be there for your grandchildren by providing a stable and safe home. Being in a safe home may be a new situation for some children. Be sure to give them the safety and protection they need.
  • Share your knowledge and wisdom with your grandchildren. Give them an opportunity to learn from you.