Successful Bedtime Routines for Kids

Bedtime routines for kids are extremely important to establish daily consistency for families.
Research proves that bedtime routines for kids allow them to unwind and decompress from their active day.
Aiming for a peaceful, quality night’s sleep should be the goal of establishing bedtime routines for kids as well as adults.
As a mother of five grown children, now raising two grandchildren, I have learned the need to establish a bedtime routine well in advance of a child’s actual bedtime.
Getting ready and preparing for bed is the first and perhaps the most important component of bedtime routines for kids.
Following a clear and concise bedtime checklist can help make the bedtime process foolproof for kids and parents.
Bedtime Checklist:

Bedtime Routines for Kids
Creating a bedtime checklist allows children to thoroughly understand the process of bedtime and be prepared mentally, emotionally, and physically to slow down for the day.
Also, a bedtime checklist provides reassuring ideas that both children and parents can follow to plan for a good night’s sleep.
Here is the bedtime checklist we follow in my home.
Establish an Exact (or accurate) Time for Bed:

- One of the most important items on a bedtime checklist is determining the actual time you want your child in bed.
- Instituting a consistent time establishes the goal of bedtime every night for your child.
- These steady bedtime routines for kids allow for successful sleep patterns for everyone in the household!
If Hungry, Offer a Light Snack or Water:

- If your child is hungry before bed, a light snack 30 – 60 minutes or more before bedtime, can help them feel satisfied for a good night’s sleep.
- It is important to stay away from sugary foods and desserts. Sweet foods and/or caffeine are difficult to digest at night and can cause sleep disruptions.
Turn Off All Electronics:

- Cell phones, iPads, computer and TV screens, and all other electronics emit a strong blue light that keeps your brain very active.
- The light on electronic screens does not allow your brain to shut down at bedtime.
- Turning off electronics is one of the best bedtime routines for kids to begin to settle down and prepare for sleep.
Bathing or Showering:

- Taking a warm bath or shower before bed produces a calming sensation in your mind and body.
- Studies have shown that bathing at nighttime drops the body’s temperature, which can initiate sleep.
- A soothing bath may be the perfect remedy to add to your child’s bedtime routine.
Brushing Teeth:

- Brushing teeth sends a message to your child’s brain that the day is over, no more food or drinks, and bedtime awaits.
Bedtime Stories for Kids:

- Reading bedtime stories can be an intimate opportunity to snuggle with your kids at the end of the day.
- Even older children enjoy quiet alone time with parents or grandparents, reading or assessing the day’s activities.
- Spending time with your child before bedtime allows them time to open up about any of their concerns or issues, they may be feeling.
- Honestly, bedtime stories are a restful, loving way to end a child’s day.
Singing a Song or Saying a Prayer:

- While sitting in bed reading bedtime stories, parents or grandparents may also include a quiet bedtime song or say a religious prayer.
- Some children and parents may sing a bedtime song or lullaby to help lull their child to sleep. Soft singing may be the perfect remedy for your child to gently close their eyes for the night.
- My children and I always recited a family prayer at bedtime that finalized our time together. We sent a peaceful message to our loved ones to honor the end of our day.
- Now, I’ve continued the same tradition and recite our family prayer with my grandchildren. It is a special tradition to include our family members who are with us and those who have passed on.

- I started using meditation as a bedtime routine for kids after I gained custody of my grandchildren.
- Unfortunately, my grandchildren had experienced emotional trauma and night terrors. Fortunately, a therapist recommended a meditation site I began to follow on a nightly basis.
- My grandson, who was 12 years old at the time, preferred to follow his meditation on his own.
- However, my granddaughter and I followed one of the meditation practices every night. The practice of meditation helped my granddaughter overcome her night terrors and provided a peaceful sleep through the night.
- If you or your child or grandchild need another tool in your tool belt for bedtime routines for kids, try meditation practice at Peace Out for Kids through Cosmic Kids. Peace Out and Cosmic Kids meditations also offer videos through YouTube that are enjoyable to watch while laying in bed. See these relaxing videos on YouTube.
- My granddaughter also found an app called Headspace and Calm that she can follow when she feels the need to de-escalate and calm down on her own.
- Give these apps a try! You’ll be surprised how comforting they truly are!
Prepare Bedroom:

- Be sure your child’s room is cool, dark and quiet. If your child needs some light, find a dim nightlight they like. You may want to look for a nightlight with white noise or a sound-machine connection.
- White noise is very effective for blocking out typical household background noises for uninterrupted sleep.
- Black-out curtains are also very helpful to keep the room dark at bedtime and in the early morning hours.
Bedtime Chart By Age

The National Sleep Foundation provides recommendations and guidelines for bedtime for children from newborns to young adults.
- These guides also include refraining from all screens at least one hour before bedtime.
- Avoid heavy meals and caffeine several hours before bedtime.
- Following a consistent bedtime routine for kids regularly.

Why is a Bedtime Routine Important for Adults?

Bedtime Routine for Adults
As important as bedtime routines for kids are, bedtime routines for adults may be more vital!
Parents, or grandparents raising grandkids, like me, need time to relax and unwind at the end of their busy days.
My bedtime routine begins after the kids are in bed. Once they are tucked in, I make sure the house is tidied up. I HATE waking up to a messy kitchen or an unorganized space.
Of course, picking up before you go to bed may not be as important to you as it is to me, but it is definitely on my bedtime routine list!
Other bedtime routines I include are checking my daily “To Do” list and making a new list for the next day.
For me, writing and making lists keeps me on track for all of my appointments, school meetings, etc.
Checking off completed tasks on my “To Do” list makes me feel productive and ready to tackle more chores ahead.
Another bedtime routine I practice is putting my clothes out the night before. Setting out clothes for the next day gives me fewer things to worry about during the morning rush.
Lastly, my most successful nighttime routine for bed is reading. I typically read with a Kindle, so the lights are off and I can read with the night setting on the Kindle.
Reading various stories takes me away on a journey outside of my daily existence. Reading transforms me and quiets my senses. For me, reading provides a transition from a busy day to tranquil sleep.
Following a Night Time Routine

Generally, we all have some type of nighttime routine we follow regularly.
As creatures of habit, having nighttime routines and rituals makes most of us feel the need to structure our evenings and nights by following the same or similar patterns in our day.
Keeping a nighttime routine helps to balance the busyness of the day and begin to wind down and relax before bedtime.
Establishing a nighttime routine for kids and adults allows our lives to be more organized and prepared.
For more information about the bedtime routines of grandkids who have recently moved in with grandparents, see 7 IMPORTANT TIPS WHEN GRANDKIDS MOVE IN and WHAT IS EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING: A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS for additional support.
- Be consistent! Children enjoy steady, dependable routines. Sticking to a constant routine is important for a successful bedtime!
- Include your children in planning their bedtime routines. For example, find books or stories they enjoy reading at night. Having their input typically leads to a positive outcome for sleep.
- Begin planning for bedtime early. Don’t surprise children by telling them bedtime is in five minutes. Children need time to prepare their brains for sleep.
- Refrain from fighting or arguing at bedtime. Children will not settle down or go to sleep if they feel emotionally charged or upset.
- Listen to your children’s requests for what they need at bedtime. If they need a light, provide a nightlight. If they need water, give them a small amount.
- Listening to your children’s bedtime needs will help them feel understood and appreciated before closing their eyes for the night.
You will find that following these suggestions for bedtime routines for kids will make nighttime a much easier time for parents and children!