Family Pets

What do you consider your best family pets? Last year our family dog suddenly passed away. He was a BIG Alaskan Husky we rescued from a kill shelter in South Carolina.
Years ago, when our five children were young, our family pet was a small female husky. She lived for 16 years and we all loved her! She was fun and sweet and VERY hairy!
After she died, I swore I wouldn’t get another husky because of the hair. But a year later, my friend saw a male husky in that South Carolina kill shelter and everyone begged me to rescue him. So, I did!
We went through an extensive process and adopted our beloved 100-pound husky boy. Surprisingly, he was even gentler than our little female husky but he was WAY hairier!! But he loved me to pieces and I loved him too!
He was only 8 years old when he started acting lethargic and we were told he had stomach cancer. Sadly, he died within a few weeks of being diagnosed and we grieved his loss.
Feeling Pressured to Get Another Pet

After our dog’s death, I declared no more dogs, but my granddaughter, whom I have been raising for the past 7 years, BEGGED to get a dog. Now, with my five adult children grown and raised, I conceded and rescued a small French Bulldog mix from our local SPCA.
Currently, we are still getting to know her and vice versa. We were told she was a stray and unfortunately was not potty trained, so we have our work cut out for us! But she becoming part of the family, and we’re all trying to adjust and adapt to having a new little, 26-pound dog in our house.
So, for all the doubters and questioners riding the fence on getting a family pet, here’s some information that may guide you in the best direction for your family.
Remember, having a dog or any pet is a HUGE commitment that kids say they will manage, but they don’t….or they can’t so buckle up and enjoy the pleasure and the pain of having a family pet!
Best Family Pets

Finding the best family pets for your family can be challenging. Owning a pet can be a fun and exciting part of childhood. Pets provide children with an understanding of responsibility and patience.
Children can express love and affection towards a pet and learn the importance of caring for something other than themselves.
Some of the best family pets include:

Dogs are one of the best family pets for children. Dogs are easily trainable and children can help train a new family dog. Children can learn feeding and exercise routines for dogs and take on various daily responsibilities in caring for the family dog.
Daily feeding, bathroom routines, and walks keep children active and involved in the everyday needs of the family dog.

Cats are one of the best family pets because of their independent nature. Cats are easy to care for and can be left alone for long periods and are super cuddly! Responsibilities for cat owners include feeding and keeping their litter box clean.
Cats do not need to be walked and typically enjoy spending time alone. Children can be easily taught how to care for cats. Therefore, many families may choose a cat to be one of their best family pets due to their simple overall maintenance.
I know a cat would have been MUCH easier to manage rather than a new dog. Both my grandson and granddaughter LOVE cats, but unfortunately my granddaughter is highly allergic so obviously cats are not the right pet for us!
Guinea Pig:

Although guinea pigs are technically considered rodents, they are a great choice for your child’s first pet. Guinea pigs are easy to care for and require little maintenance for children to manage. They could be considered one of the best family pets all around!
Guinea pigs are cute small animals with lots of personality. They are soft and love to cuddle in laps or on a small comfy mat. Guinea pigs are social animals and enjoy being with other piggies!

Hamsters are another type of rodent and are a great first pet for kids. They are small and easy for children to take care of, which makes hamsters one of the best family pets. Caring for a hamster will teach your child the responsibilities of having a pet.
Hamsters are lively and entertaining pets for children. With a wide variety of hamster species available, finding the best hamster for your family should be quite easy.

Rabbits are a very popular choice for best family pets for young children. They are extremely soft and enjoy being cuddled most of the time. However, some rabbits may prefer spending their time on the ground, rather than being held.
While most rabbits are calm and easy-natured, they may bite or nip at times. Children should be supervised when playing with rabbits….as with all animals…to avoid any aggressive behaviors.

Many families love having fish for pets. However, to truly maintain fish, you will need a proper fish tank. Fish tanks require lights and oxygen to provide your fish with a clean environment.
Often children will keep a small fish bowl with one or two small fish they won at a carnival or purchased at the pet store. While this offers your child an opportunity to care for a pet, the fish may not live very long.
Setting up a fish tank, regardless of the size, provides fish with the necessary ecosystem to keep them alive, and healthy. Watching fish swim in a fish tank can be extremely relaxing for children and adults.

Some say snakes are an excellent family pet. Especially for families with older children. They are said to be low maintenance and very easy to care for.
Unfortunately, I am not a fan of snakes. Therefore, regardless of the ease of ownership of having a snake, I can guarantee I personally will never own a pet snake!
List of Small Pets

Many decisions need to be made before choosing the best family pets for your family. First, and foremost is safety. While some pets may be small, not all pets are safe for small children. Therefore, be sure to choose a pet that is right for your family at the time of purchase.
Additionally, not all small pets are easy to maintain or are easy for children to care for. Be sure to determine the required space your pet will need and the specific environment necessary for them to grow and roam.
Some small pets are included in the above list, such as guinea pigs, hamsters, fish, and snakes. Although some dogs, cats, and rabbits can be extremely small, I do not consider them “small” pets.
Of course, that’s just my opinion!
However, other small pets, you may want to consider are:

While birds are friendly and inexpensive, they can be very loud and messy. Birds are difficult for young children to hold and manage and can be challenging to retrieve to put back into their cage.

Rats are nocturnal and may be loud at night time. Although they are smart and can be friendly, their cages need a lot of maintenance. Rats are suggested for families with children who are 5 years old or older.

Mice can be an easy and fun small family pet. They come in a variety of colors and sizes and interact well with people. They are easy to maintain in a small cage and will entertain themselves on their exercise wheel for hours.

Gerbils are also easy to maintain in a small tank. However, gerbils prefer to be in groups. Therefore, if you are considering purchasing a gerbil, you may want to consider buying more than one!
Hermit Crabs:

Hermit crabs are extremely easy for children to maintain. Owning a hermit crab can be as simple as buying a small cage, adding food and water, and leaving it alone.
Be sure to keep the cage shut tightly because hermit crabs love to climb and will find their way out of any small opening. We once found our hermit crabs nestled in a pile of papers on the table after escaping through the top of their cage, so be careful your cage is secure!
In time, you may need to place a larger shell in the cage for the crab to move homes from one shell to another. Watching hermit crabs move from shell to shell is a cool experience.
Geckos, Breaded Dragons, and Small Reptiles:

While older children may enjoy owning a gecko, bearded dragon, or other small types of reptiles, they are not the best choice for young children. These types of reptiles require live food feedings, such as crickets.
They also need a special temperature tank and continual access to water, which can be difficult to maintain for most children.
Reasons To Have Pets

There are many reasons to have pets, but I feel the most important is for the emotional connection and stimulation pets provide. Pets offer both physical and emotional health benefits to all pet owners.
It has also been reported from WedMD, “People who have pets tend to have better levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, compared to people who don’t. The reason for that isn’t clear. Part of it could be the more active lifestyle that comes with having pets.”
Our family has always been dog owners, so when our dog died my granddaughter truly missed the affectionate connection she had with our dog. Although I was not planning on getting another dog, she wanted the emotional support a dog could provide to her.
And, knowing that dogs and all pets can reduce anxiety and stress, I supported her in adopting a new dog. Though we are still adjusting to our little French Bulldog’s presence and stubbornness, I see genuine joy and happiness in my granddaughter’s eyes every day!
Knowing the benefits pets have for my granddaughter helped me make my decision to adopt our new dog. Understanding how to avoid fear and anxiety in children is vital.
For anyone looking for more tips, ideas, and suggestions see Grandparents Understanding Fear and Anxiety in Children.
Thank you to our local SPCA and all the animal rescue sanctuaries dedicating their time and efforts to saving the lives of various animals throughout the world!
- Take your time! Don’t buy or adopt the first pet you see. Be sure to find the best family pets for everyone in your family!
- Be selective! There are HUNDREDS of pets looking for families in stores and shelters. Choose wisely!
- Do your homework. Understand what your new pet will need before bringing them into your home!
- Don’t use cuteness to make your decision on finding your best family pets. All pets are cute when you show them love!!
- Think long-term when getting your pet. Pets should be owned for their lifetime! Before getting a new pet, consider how long your pet will live and be committed to owning it for that length of time!