How to Encourage Kids to Do Chores

See Below: TIPS, IDEAS & SUGGESTIONS for Chore Ideas for Kids & Teens
While raising my five children, and currently raising my two grandchildren, I’ve had many discussions and disputes about house chores. So, I’ve become very creative with our chore ideas lists.
I often wondered how could encourage my kids and grandkids to help out and do chores. I assume lots of other parents and grandparents, ask themselves the same question.
Parents ask, what magic remedy can I concoct, to inspire my kids in doing house chores? That is the million-dollar question!! How do I get my kids to be responsible for doing chores in the house?
Here are a few chore ideas that may help you and your kids….or grandkids!
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Understanding House Chores
As adults, we understand that chores are simply tasks that need to be done in order to live in a clean and somewhat organized environment.
Therefore, completing these tasks, or doing chores, becomes routine in our daily lives. Completing chores and living in a clean environment also applies to all aged kids, as well as teenagers.
One of the easiest chore ideas is teaching children to put clothes in their hamper immediately, almost automatically, when they undress.
To achieve this, it’s important to have a hamper readily available for their dirty clothes. Be sure to place clothes hampers in bedrooms and even bathrooms to make access easy for your little ones.
Organization Promotes Order!
To make getting dressed stress-free for kids and parents, create an organized system your kids understand.
For example, all clean clothes should be arranged in closets and drawers so they are reachable for kids to access. Be sure to show children exactly where their clothes are and which drawer houses which item.
You don’t need to be an organizational expert, but having the same articles in the same place makes it easier for dressing and for putting clothes away.
Storage Organizers for Chore Ideas
Additionally, washing and folding clothes should be added to a chore list as kids get older. Remember, even young children can be taught how to separate clothes and how to fold clothes.
These types of chores can be turned into fun activities for young children, that become habits as they get older.
Chores Become Habits for Kids

As kids get older, many chores should become habits in their daily lives. Mealtime is a perfect opportunity for family members to help set the table, serve food, as well as clear dishes, and help with clean up.
These ordinary chores become a normal activity in the home. If parents or grandparents enforce these types of chores, they become daily habits for everyone in the family.
In large families, chore ideas need to be very specific tasks that can be designated for different children. I had a large family growing up. Eight children in total, four older, and four younger.
My parents teamed up an older sibling with a younger one for larger tasks, such as washing and drying dishes, sweeping the floor, etc. Sibling teams would alternate daily meal chores.
However, each child was responsible to clear their own plate and area at the table. Since this was a daily routine, there weren’t any complaints about completing our chores, because it was expected of us.
Regardless, children often find something to complain about, so be prepared to hold your ground when it comes to fulfilling their chore responsibilities!
Personal Space

We all need our personal space. Even kids! Obviously, many children may share a bedroom, so their entire space may not be their own. However, it’s important to establish a personal area for each child. A place they feel is just for them!
Once their special space is established, make sure they are responsible for keeping it orderly. It certainly doesn’t need to be immaculate, but you may want to have guidelines for their space.
My grandchildren are lucky enough to have their own bedrooms. They generally keep their rooms clean(ish), but they also have specific rules that are required.
Our chore ideas for their rooms are, first, clothes need to be off the floor, either in the hamper on in a drawer. Second, they cannot leave food in their room. Although I try to keep food out of their rooms completely, something seems to find its way into their room!
But, at the end of the day all food needs to be removed from their rooms. We don’t need any little critters visiting us from food remnants!
Chore Ideas & Chore Chart

Chore Charts by Age
Generally, I feel all children are prone to behaviors they see in their own homes. Therefore, when very young children have toys pulled out, they should learn to pick them up at the end of playtime.
Watching parents or caretakers picking up toys will create curiosity in young kids to mimic the behavior. And Viola! Your 2-year-old is now helping with chores!
Here are some additional suggestions and chore ideas for different ages see WebMD Parenting Features.
These chore ideas extend to all ages.
- Children ages 2-3 can wipe up spills, feed pets, and put clothes in the hamper.
- Children ages 4-5 can help set the table, make their beds (Not perfectly!) & Pick out their clothes.
- Children ages 6-7 can sweep floors, rake leaves, and water plants.
- Children ages 8-9 can load the dishwasher, sort laundry, and help make dinner.
- Children ages 10-11 can vacuum, put away laundry, walk pets, and take out the trash.
- Children ages 12 -15 can babysit younger siblings, do laundry, clean bathrooms, change bed sheets, take care of personal hygiene, and complete homework independently.
- Children 15 and older can earn money, do yard work, prepare meals for a family, clean the house, and purchase their own clothes.
Chore Money: Should Kids Earn Money For Chores?

Paying children for chores is a personal family decision. I typically do not pay for daily or weekly chores; however, I do give a weekly allowance. Although I do not pay for individual chores or tasks, I do expect chores to be completed in order to “earn” their allowance.
Also, there are particular chores they have earned money for completing. For example, during a recent snowstorm, I paid my grandkids to shovel my steps and walkways. I felt that was an “extra” chore that deserved payment.
Since most daily and weekly chores are the same, most chores are completed without asking. Such as trash being taken out on scheduled days.
Groceries are carried in on shopping days, setting and clearing meals happens daily, etc., etc. These chore ideas can be posted so all family members are informed of their chore responsibilities.
I’ve learned if we can all work together to achieve our chore goals, the work seems less overwhelming for everyone in the family.
See Tips & Suggestions for Parenting Grandchildren
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- Be a good role model. Show young kids how to pick up after themselves and make them accountable for cleaning up their own clothes and toys.
- When children are very young, use your voice and actions to express the chore you are doing. Watching and listening will help them mimic this behavior as they get older.
- Discuss exactly what chores need to be completed and assign someone for that particular task.
- If you want a room “cleaned” up, be sure to include EXACTLY what that means; such as all dirty clothes in the hamper, and clean clothes in drawers. All trash is in the trash can. Remove all papers from the table, etc., etc. Be as clear as possible with all expectations!
- Don’t expect perfection! Making the effort is extremely important.
- As kids get older, they can be held more accountable for their chores. (A 12-year-old can make a MUCH better bed than a 7-year-old! But, sometimes the 12-year-old may need to try it again with gentle reminders!!!)
- Establish a personal space for kids. Each child needs to have a place to call their own. Having their personal belongings in their OWN space is important. This will also help them learn to keep their treasured items special!