Finding Contentment

What is the magic of finding contentment as a grandparent or a parent?
If you are anything like me, you have encouraged your children from a young age to be good students and pursue a successful career.
I micromanaged (they didn’t love it!) my kids through school and supported all of them while they were looking to further their education.
As a mother of five children, following them throughout their school years was far from glamorous. At times, and I’ll say many times, it was downright grueling! But, I/we…really, they… hung in there and all graduated with various degrees.
Of course, I was, and still am, a very proud momma! But what I learned through my endeavors for them to find happiness, was that I had ignored their need to find contentment. Yes, they all accomplished numerous degrees in what they thought would bring them happiness, but they were far from content.
All of my five children….ALL OF THEM…changed directions in their education and career goals, several times. Some of them attained a degree in a career, but after working in that field decided to make a career switch.
They honestly were all “successful”, making decent money and doing just fine. However, they were not content with the work. Perhaps they didn’t find the work rewarding enough for them. But either way, ALL OF THEM, changed career goals in pursuit of finding contentment.
I think they are all currently much more content than they were at the beginning of their careers. Hearing and supporting them through their multiple fluctuations made me realize that happiness is limited, and finding contentment is precious.
The Meaning of Contentment

Before we can begin finding contentment, we need to understand exactly what contentment is.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the meaning of contentment is “the quality or state of being contented” or “something that contents”.
Frankly, neither of those definitions really cites or names the typical meaning most of us think of when we think of contentment. Other definitions capture more of the feeling behind the word contentment, determining it is “a state of happiness and satisfaction”.
Honestly, I think that most of us can understand that explanation because we relate finding contentment the same as finding happiness. But are they really the same?
The Difference of Being Happy and Content

It is often said that happiness is a state of mind, and I believe that is true, to a point. Most of us believe that we will be happy if this happens or that happens. We think that if we had more money, we would be happy. Or if we had a loving partner, we would be happy.
But the truth is happiness is only temporary. No one can feel happy every minute of every day. Feeling happy is a short-term sensation regardless of what you have or what you own.
The feeling of ongoing happiness is not sustainable. But the feeling of ongoing contentment in your everyday life and interactions is.
Finding contentment is finding peace of mind within yourself and focusing on maintaining positivity, regardless of the challenges you may face.
The difference between being happy and content is found inside your heart and mind. Accepting that you cannot be happy every minute of every day, but you can feel content, is an important life lesson for all of us to learn!
Benefits of Contentment

As a mother of five grown children, now raising two grandchildren, finding contentment can be difficult from day to day. It is vital to remind myself that contentment is more of a frame of mind than an actual achievement.
Yet, finding contentment is easier than many people think. Understanding the benefits of contentment can open your eyes to finding contentment in places you may have never thought about.
Some easy-going benefits of contentment include:
Noticing the wonderful world around us is an amazing realization of wonder and hope. Paying attention to the incredible facets that life has to offer is truly amazing!
Feeling overall enjoyment from the simple things in life, such as the beauty of nature or spending time with your family and friends.
Gratitude occurs when we sincerely appreciate other people and circumstances in our lives. Being grateful for small acts of kindness can greatly benefit feelings of contentment.
Peace of Mind:
Finding contentment creates a calming, positive effect on your mind and body. Contentment is a key factor in lowering stress.
Additionally, contentment fosters positive health benefits, inclusive well-being, and a strong sense of peace of mind.
Strong Relationships:
When you are feeling content with yourself, you begin to understand others for who they are and the importance of your relationship with them.
Finding contentment in oneself can enrich other relationships and encourage love, understanding, and support in having strong relationships with others.
How to Be Content with What You Have

Throughout our lifetimes we are seeking happiness and success. We feel that once we have accomplished something specific, such as a degree, a career, a family, etc., we will be happy.
Most of us believe that once we have achieved happiness, we will be content with ourselves and our lives. However, for many of us that is not the case. Although we may have checked off all the boxes on our life’s checklist, we still can feel empty and unsatisfied.
Finding contentment is not always found in our accomplishments. Frequently, contentment is found when we stop trying to overachieve or search for our next goal to conquer.
For many of us, finding contentment is through the little things in our lives, not huge accomplishments. Often the simplest task or undertaking can lead to feeling content.
Learning to find contentment with what you already have in life is easy when you take the time to appreciate the little things around you. Recalling your day-to-day contributions to life can bring you contentment you didn’t realize you had.
Remember that waking up each morning is a gift. Feeling grateful for the gift of life should evoke how to be content with what you have.
The Satisfaction of Finding Contentment as a Grandparent or a Parent!

While I was raising my children, I continually encouraged them to find contentment in their own life journey. But I quickly realized they didn’t know how to really be content with their choices. And, they did not always find happiness in the directions they chose to pursue.
Although happiness and contentment are different, recognizing that the goal of contentment is through happiness is important. Finding contentment cannot be found through misery. Therefore, establishing goals for contentment is essential.
I have seen my children and grandchildren get very excited about a subject, a project, an excursion, or a career choice. But midway through their experience, they determine they cannot find happiness pursuing that particular goal.
In these cases, they choose another direction to take in their life to feel satisfied and find happiness. As I watched various changes to many choices in my children’s lives, I commend them for having the bravery to switch gears and follow another path to finding contentment.
And, since I have discussed happiness and contentment with them, they seek to feel contentment in their choices first, with an appreciation of happiness along the way.
For other ideas about finding contentment through learning, see 14 Proven Ideas on the Importance of Learning at All Ages.
Being Content

Over the years I have worked passionately to be content with myself and content with my life. Being content is not something I take for granted. I focus on finding contentment and feeling satisfied with what I have.
Acknowledging the simple things that you are content with is important to identify.
Finding contentment for me as I’ve gotten older has become quite easy and relaxing.
Some of the things that make me feel content are:
Reading a Book

I LOVE to read so anywhere and everywhere I go I have a book. Books allow me to travel to different places and experience life in many ways. I feel the MOST contented being anywhere with a book!
Rocking a Baby

Obviously being the mother of five children and a grandmother of five, (raising my two oldest) I have a passion for children.
With my love for children, rocking a baby is pure contentment to me. The quiet and peacefulness of rocking a small baby is one of my fondest joys of contentment!
Sitting on a Beach

Finding contentment while you are sitting on a beach is easy. Watching and listening to waves crash and water move is peaceful and relaxing. It is definitely one of my favorite pastimes and an easy way to find contentment.
Watching a Sunrise or a Sunset

While you typically may be on the water when you are watching a sunrise or a sunset, the magical experience of the sun can shine contentment over your entire body and make you feel inner peace of body and mind.
Playing or Petting with an Animal

I find contentment when I am petting or playing with an animal. Whether it is a dog, a horse, or a goat, I personally enjoy spending time with animals.
Taking a Walk or Hike

I really enjoy walking through my little storybook town, listening to music, and people-watching. The simple act of walking brings me contentment.
Although I am personally not a hiker, I know many people love hiking trails and long terrains. Walking in nature creates a sense of freedom and sparks tranquility and contentment for most of us.
Watching your Kids, and Grandkids, Sports or Activities

Who can deny the joy and contentment of watching your children play a sport or take part in an exciting activity? I loved every sporting event, music concert, and theater show my children were involved in.
But the truth is, I was often nervous for my kids. I felt tension and fear watching my own children on the field or on the stage. But now, watching my grandchildren, my fear is gone and I only feel joy and excitement.
As a grandparent, I don’t allow myself to stress out about them winning or losing.
I sit back and enjoy the activity and feel contented watching whatever they are doing with a smile on my face feeling sheer pleasure.
Playing Board Games or Cards with Kids and Grandkids

I feel a warm sense of contentment just playing a board game or cards with my kids and grandkids. Although some of my overly competitive children did not always make the experience enjoyable.
But, since I am not an overly competitive person, I am able to find contentment through simple board games or card games. Especially with my grandchildren!

I love water! It is relaxing and soothing to watch as well as feel. I have always loved swimming and floating in any body of water. I feel harmony and contentment moving through the water.
However, I have to admit that the older I get, I enjoy swimming in pools more than lakes and oceans. It may be just a me thing, or maybe an insecurity of not being able to see the bottom. Either way, I love swimming.

Finding contentment for me is all about dancing. I think I was a dancer in a previous life, lol!
I dance to any type of music, any place at any time. I am a dancing fool.
When I was young my dad taught my sisters and me to dance in our living room. We waltzed, fox trotted, and jitterbugged every night after dinner. It was so much fun to dance with my dad and one of my fondest childhood memories.
I still LOVE to dance. I recently took salsa lessons and am looking into swing classes. Dancing is happiness and delight for me, which makes me feel full of contentment!

For me, music is the foundation of happiness and contentment. Listening to music can stimulate memories from the past. Song rhythms and lyrics live deep inside each of us and allow our brains to recall places and times when the music was played.
It has been shown that dementia and Alzheimer patients can still remember lyrics and beats from their past musical memories. Listening to music can transcend our minds to a place of calm and contentment.
For more ideas about keeping your body and mind content, see 10 Easy Energy-Boosting Exercises for Parents & Grandparents.
How to be Content with Yourself

What I have learned through my experiences in life is that contentment is a state of mind of appreciation. And even when you are feeling content you may not always feel happy.
Learning to be content with yourself means you are satisfied with your circumstances and your way of life. Finding contentment within yourself involves personal growth and personal appreciation for the person you are.
Personal contentment is found through being honest with yourself about who you truly are. It’s about letting go of insecurities about who you think you should be and shedding light on your own attributes.
Realizing that finding contentment can actually be discovered by acknowledging failures. Recognizing that all failures teach us an important life lesson. Paying attention to those lessons can help build strength and confidence within ourselves.
Therefore, discovering that contentment is found in understanding that joy does not come from physical things. It comes through inner peace and serenity deep with each and every one of us.
Finding contentment means you can go anywhere and endure anything and still find solitude in your heart, in your mind, and in the choices of how you live your life.
- Understanding that contentment is an authentic frame of mind, not a momentary feeling.
- Acknowledging that happiness is temporary, but contentment is long-lasting.
- Gratitude and appreciation are the basic foundations for finding contentment.
- Contentment is an internal sense of calm and tranquility in your mind, body, and soul.
- Money and material possessions will not generate contentment.