Job Opportunities for Teens: First Jobs for Teenagers

What are the best first jobs for teenagers? Looking back, most of us remember our experience getting our first job. Whether you were babysitting or mowing lawns, at some point in our maturing lives, typically as teenagers, we all sought to earn money for our own personal wants.
As teenagers, we aim to have more money than our parent’s agreed-upon weekly allowance. Therefore, getting a job and earning money was and is a teenager’s opportunity to become more independent and begin to look toward future career interests.
Many times, finding first jobs for teenagers can be difficult without prior job experience. However, in today’s economy, there are many job opportunities for teens without past experience.
When my five children were teenagers, I encouraged all of them to find part-time jobs in order to earn money and begin saving for their future needs.
Now, while raising my two grandchildren who are now teens, I am also encouraging them to begin looking for work. Although neither of them has any work experience, they have the skills necessary when applying for first jobs for teenagers.
Additionally, if your teen is looking for options after high school graduation, take a look at these ideas that can help get them started.
How To Get a Job with No Experience: First Jobs for Teenagers

When approaching your first job pursuit, think about the value you can offer your employer. While in search of first jobs for teenagers, ask yourself what skills and talents you have that will benefit you in your job search.
Without prior job experience, teens should include personal experiences that most employers will find helpful and interesting during a job interview. Such as:
- Make a list of tasks you have experienced through volunteering, school groups, and/or church groups.
- Include your hobbies, sports activities, or any theater productions.
- Adding this information to your experience list will show an employer your commitment level to yourself and others.
- Be sure to add your experiences and skill sets that you may not realize are important to employers.
- For example, have you traveled? During your travels did you research areas and attractions?Perhaps your research skills may be extremely valuable to your employer.During your travels did you take pictures? Did you build picture collages?Did you use Photoshop or create graphic designs?
- These may all be important skills to help in the search for first jobs for teenagers.
- During a job interview be sure to share your soft skills, meaning your personal style and skills.
- Are you friendly?Are you a hard worker?Are you a good problem solver?Are you orderly and are good at being organized?
- Soft skills are essential when working with all customer service positions and the general public.
Networking with People: First Jobs for Teenagers

Networking is an excellent approach to finding first jobs for teenagers.
The meaning of networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.
As a teenager, networking may include family friends, or your parent’s acquaintances. The goal of networking is to find a connection between someone you know and someone who can provide you with good job opportunities.
Many times, those opportunities are found within family and/or extended friend groups. Teens looking for their first jobs should consider as many people as possible when networking. Be sure to include neighbors, family friends, extended family members, or another teenage friend that may already have a job.
Teens looking for jobs should take advantage of any and all networking opportunities available to them. Typically, if someone can provide their help and support, they are always willing to do so.
Networking events are held all over. Check out Networking in your area Indeed career opportunities.
Cover Letter for Teens: First Jobs for Teenagers

A cover letter is typically required, with a professional resume when applying for employment. Although some jobs may not require a cover letter, it is good practice to submit a cover letter for employers to gain a better understanding of who you are and the skills you possess.
Cover letters should be a one-page document that includes your name, email, and phone number. It is important to express your interest in the job position in your cover letter.
Be sure to review the details and requirements of the job listing and include any skills that directly pertain to the job position you are applying for.
When writing a cover letter, emphasize your qualifications for the job, as well as past work experiences, hobbies, and volunteer positions.
Express your personal and professional skills, and reasons why you would be a great candidate for the job. Be passionate about your interest and commitment to the position and to the company you are applying for.
Before submitting, review your letter for proper and professional grammar and any spelling errors. Do not count on spell check to catch spelling and grammar mistakes. Reading the full document aloud will ensure you are not overlooking an innocent error.
Resume for Teenagers: First Jobs for Teenagers

Regardless of your work experience, everyone applying for employment will require a resume.
Resumes for teenagers without work experience will include other experiences and information that will help your employer get to know you better.
Resumes for first jobs for teenagers should include:
Contact information:
Your name, email address, and phone number
An Objective:
At the top of the resume, it is encouraged to add an objective regarding the job posting. An objective should be one or two sentences that includes a statement and interest mentioned in the actual job listing.
Include your current education situation as well as your past education. For example, if you have graduated from high school, but are now in college or a training program, include all of your past and present educational experiences.
Work Experience:
If you do not have past paid work experience, include your community and volunteer work. Unpaid work, or neighborhood work, such as babysitting, cleaning, or lawn care can also be added as work experience.
Include any skills and qualifications that pertain to the job you are applying for.
Add personal awards and accomplishments you have achieved over the years either through extracurricular activities, education, or sports. Employers appreciate knowing applicants’ personal accomplishments, so be sure to include those achievements.
Tips for Resumes for Teenagers: First Jobs for Teenagers
When writing your resume, it is extremely important to be honest. Don’t lie or stretch the truth about your skills and what you are capable of doing. Honestly is the best policy to follow.
Before submitting, FULLY proofread your resume. Again, do not rely on spell check for all spelling and grammar errors. Reading your resume out loud will help you see if there are any overlooked mistakes.
Ask a parent or a friend to review both your cover letter and your resume before sending or submitting it to a prospective employer.
Interview Tips for Teens

If you are interviewing for the first time, you may be quite nervous. Therefore, it is important to plan ahead and be as prepared as possible before your scheduled interview.
There are several interview tips for teens that are beneficial to both you and your prospective employers. For the best interview results, follow these suggested tips.
- Dress in appropriate professional attire. No open-toed shoes. No wrinkled suits or outfits. No short skirts or low-cut shirts.
- Arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled interview time. Arriving early shows your interest and dedication to the company and the job.
- Be polite and respectful. Kindness goes a long way in an interview. Be mannerly and be sure to put your best face forward.
- Do your research about the hiring company and the position you are interviewing for. When asked, what do you know about our company? Give thorough response.
- Review information about the company and details about the company.
- Interview candidates should be prepared to respond with information and details about what the company does and historical information about the company itself.
- Learn as much as possible about the position you are applying for. Review the job description and skill requirements thoroughly prior to the interview.
- Discuss the skills you possess and how you can apply them to the job position will help the interviewer understand your qualifications for the job itself.
- Have extra copies of your resume and cover letter. You may be interviewed by more than one person, so having extra copies to hand out to other interviewers may be necessary.
- Remember all of the information you have noted on your resume. Don’t read or refer to your resume during the interview.
- Turn your phone off and put it away. DO NOT keep your phone on the interview desk or table. Place your phone out of sight during the full interview process. (Even if the interviewers have their phones out, keep your phone away!)
- Be prepared to ask questions. Asking questions makes the interviewer feel like you have interests that may have not been discussed during the interview process.
- ALWAYS prepare one or two questions in advance to ask at the end of the interview. Questions can include, what do you like about this company or What are the next steps in the hiring process? Asking questions shows you are interested in the position.
Before the interview, it’s a good idea to develop a personal pitch about yourself. Talking about yourself may seem odd at first, but it’s important to show confidence in your strengths and be positive about your abilities.
You should also talk about your past work experiences if you have any. You can explain what you are currently doing, such as work, school, sports, etc., and express your interest in future goals with the company.
Teen Interview Questions: First Jobs for Teenagers

Many interview questions are standard when interviewing interested applicants. Therefore, it is important to research and review a variety of interview questions that may match the particular job position you are applying for.
Reviewing common interview questions prior to the interview process is highly encouraged. Practicing responses to mock interview questions beforehand is also recommended.
Interviewers are generally very impressed with interview candidates who arrive ready and are prepared. Additionally, knowing information about the business is extremely effective in showing your motivation for working for the company.
During the interview, be confident and keep good eye contact with the interviewer.
This is your opportunity to share the best qualities you have to offer for the job position!
Here are some common questions asked during most first interviews.
- Why are you interested in this position?
- What skills do you have that can apply to this position?
- With respect to the job posting, can you identify 3 strengths and 3 areas that need development?
- What accomplishments either in work, school, or in your personal life are you proud of?
- Have you ever disagreed with a supervisor or teacher on a moral or ethical issue? How was the situation resolved?
- What qualities do you have that make you an effective team player?
- Ask the interviewer questions! Asking questions shows you are interested in the position and want to know more about the day-to-day responsibilities of the position.
What to Bring with You to an Interview: First Jobs for Teenagers

In preparation for a job interview, be sure to bring the following items.
- Working papers and/or working permit:
- Different states have different requirements for teen applicants. If your state requires working papers, have a copy of your working papers (card) at the time of the interview. Do not give the original to the interviewer to keep. Only a copy is required.
- A copy of the job posting:
- Having a copy of the job posting you can refer to during the interview may be helpful. However, it is important to understand the details of the job qualifications prior to the interview itself.
- Several copies of your resume:
- Your interviewer will generally have a copy of your resume, but bringing extra copies to hand out to others who may join the interview is recommended.
- A pad of paper and a pen:
- Typically, the interviewer will be writing down responses to questions. But, having paper and a pen available to jot down information throughout the interview will help you gain details about the position and show your interest in the job.
- References:
- Professional references are typically requested at the end of the interview.Interviewers will contact your references to ask specific questions about you and your professionalism.
- When providing references, use teachers or other adults who can discuss your skills and reliability. References should not include family members.
- It is highly recommended you ask permission from anyone you are listing as a reference.When listing references, give their name, their title, such as teacher, family friend, etc., phone number, and email. No addresses should be included for references.
- Bring several copies of references to hand out to those included in the interview.
Best Jobs for Teenagers: First Jobs for Teenagers
Most teenagers are looking for part-time work due to their school obligations. These job positions are the best jobs for teenagers to allow flexibility and require no work experience.

- Fast Food Worker
- Cashier
- Restaurants
- Coffee Shops
- Lifeguard
- Customer Service
- Sales Associate
- Babysitter
- Pet Store
- Tutoring – Providing Technology Support and Education
Fun First Jobs for Teenagers

- Camp Counselor
- Child Care Assistant
- Dog Walker
- Swim Instructor
- Sports Referee/Umpire
- Pet Sitter
- Garden Helper
- Flower Shop
- Nursery School Assistant
- House Sitter
Best Companies to Work for as a Teenager: First Jobs for Teenagers

- McDonald’s
- Rita Water Ice
- CVS Pharmacy & Health Store
- Target
- Walmart
- Staples
- Publix
- AMC/ Movie Theaters
- Burger King
- Wendy’s
- Starbucks
- Panera Bread
- Chunk E Cheese
- Taco Bell
- Kroger
Goals for First Jobs For Teenagers

During summers and when teenagers’ schedules are available, parents, and grandparents, should encourage their teens to start earning and saving money.
Currently, there are many businesses looking to hire teenagers for part-time employment. Opportunities are available for anyone looking for a job, including first jobs for teenagers.
Good luck to all the parents, grandparents raising grandkids, and especially the teenagers looking for work. You’ll gonna be great!!
- Write and prepare a positive and professional cover letter and resume.
- Review interview questions prior to meeting with the manager or interviewer.
- Find out what the company does before your interview. Of course, you may know what many first-time jobs entail, such as fast-food restaurants. But, knowing the process of cooking and customer service are new skills you will need to learn.
- Research various job opportunities to find the right fit for you. It is important to understand the requirements of the job before accepting the position.
- Keep in mind, first jobs for teenagers are usually temporary. You will probably have MANY jobs throughout your life. You don’t need to love the job to do it well and earn money.
- Be polite and respectful to everyone at the job site. Your personality will shine through if you are nice to managers, as well as other staff.
- DO NOT BRING YOUR PHONE TO AN INTERVIEW!! It is extremely unprofessional to have a phone with you during an interview. If it is in your bag, be sure to turn it off before going in.
- Aim to do the best you can at your job. Don’t cut corners or do things halfway because it’s easier. Show yourself and your employer you are capable and committed to working hard to accomplish your goal.