Find out how to help yourself move toward serenity in the days ahead!

We all need a little help unwinding and feeling revitalized
This post is about learning 5 FREE Ideas on How to Calm Down Your Mind anywhere at any time!
Here are 5 FREE ideas to help you feel relaxed and refreshed. All of these ideas can be done easily, without spending any money.
Method #1: How to Calm Down Your Mind

Method #1 FREE option to relax & refresh is MEDITATION.
If you have not tried meditation, this may be the perfect time to give it a try. Learning to meditate can give you inner peace and solace during the hardest times of your life. Once you learn how to meditate, it is available for you at any time. Mediation is a FREE opportunity to find reflection within your mind and body.
Usually, there are many small local meditations retreats available that you may not familiar with. Mediation Centers may be centralized in a nearby city, but typically they offer small retreats at local facilities. Currently, with businesses slowly opening up, you may find opportunities in your neck of the woods to enjoy a retreat.
Take advantage and indulge yourself with a weekend retreat to recharge and refresh. This could be exactly what you need in for your mental health journey. Namaste!
Read more information about learning Headspace meditation techniques.
Method #2: How to Calm Down Your Mind

Method #2 FREE option to relax & refresh is EXERCISE.
Likewise, exercise is an easy method to relieve stress. And, it’s FREE! Taking a walk around your neighborhood or at a nearby mall is an excellent way to restore yourself and your energy.
Keep in mind, exercise is movement, so even if you’re indoors, be sure to move and be active when no one is watching. Most importantly, exercise can be as simple or as complex as you want. There are multiple videos you can watch to get your body moving. Shake it up!
Exercising with a friend can help you engaged and on course. Additionally, exercising with a friend can keep adult friendships active, which is very important. For more information about adult friendships, see HOW TO FIND MEANINGFUL ADULT FRIENDSHIPS.
Method #3: How to Calm Down Your Mind

Method #3 FREE option to relax & refresh is READING.
I LOVE reading! Reading can take you to different places around the world while becoming different characters. The stories inside books can revitalize your mind and creativity. Reading is a FREE easy outlet you can do anywhere.
If you don’t enjoy reading books, grab a magazine and read the latest gossip page. Reading someone else’s ideas and thoughts can make you reflect on your own feelings and viewpoints. Reading can be very rewarding and relaxing. Try it!
Method #4: How to Calm Down Your Mind

Method #4 FREE option to relax & refresh is JOURNALING.
Many of us zone out or daydream throughout the day as our mind wonders off in a million directions. At times, you may think of very significant issues, concerns or solutions, but before you know it those thoughts are gone. Writing down thoughts, ideas and information can be very therapeutic.
Journaling your daily reflections and experiences can give insight into your deeper feelings. Keeping a writing pad or journal nearby gives you an opportunity to immediately write something down without forgetting it.
Writing down your nightly dreams first thing in the morning can also be a chance to reflect on your subconscious thoughts. Journaling is a FREE way to clear your mind while documenting your innermost thoughts and emotions.
Method #5: How to Calm Down Your Mind

Method #5 FREE option to relax & refresh is RELIGION/CHURCH.
Regardless of your religious beliefs or faith, church can be an opportunity to cleanse your soul and your innermost emotions. Going to a scheduled service or sitting in silent prayer in a church can allow your mind space for reflection.
The church can be a source of strength for those who feel connected to a higher power. Church is a FREE space to be alone or with others who share your same beliefs and convictions. Visiting a church can be an enjoyable refreshing experience for everyone.
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This post includes 5 Easy and FREE Ideas on How to Calm Down Your Mind.
- Put down your cell phone! Disconnecting from the stressful world around you is the BEST chance you have to calm down your mind. Staying off your cell phone is the only way to give you an opportunity to detach from your phone contacts!
- Stay off of social media! In order to give yourself a chance to calm down your mind, do not allow yourself to fall down the rabbit hole of social media. We all know once you start it’s hard to walk away!
- Although music may be soothing for many people….it definitely is for me, try to turn off your music and headphones. When you are working on calming down your mind, let yourself listen to the sounds around you.
- Try to enjoy the song a bird is singing or the rattle of the car or truck down the street. Allowing your mind a chance to listen to the surrounding noises in your world will also give you an opportunity to know when and how to shut them out and internally turn them off!
- Listen to the silence. When you learn to turn off the surrounding noises, relish in the quiet that is all around you. Knowing how to calm down your mind includes managing the noise and the silence inside your mind even during chaotic times.