Making Friends is So Easy for Little Kids! What happens?

This post is about the innocence of Childhood Friendships and the enjoyment children feel with their childhood friends.
Watching the Innocence of Childhood Development

While I was raising five children, now raising my two grandchildren, I watched many early innocent childhood relationships develop. It’s exciting watching your baby or small child engage with other small children.
As babies grow, they learn to interact with others. But, watching the expression on a baby or toddler’s face when they begin playing with other children is a beautiful experience.
Seeing the true innocence of childhood friendships blossom, if only for a few minutes, with babies and young children, is a lasting memory for parents and grandparents.
Appreciating the love and joy children feel for each other as they are growing and developing is pure magic. Be sure to cherish and treasure the innocence of childhood friendships.
Enjoying the Innocence of Childhood Friendships!

The innocence of childhood friendships is so wonderful! When children are little, friendships are fun and easy. Young children don’t judge other kids about their looks, their clothes, or their families. Then why do friendships get harder as we get older? What changes?
Young children don’t see arrogance, ignorance, or differences. Little kids only feel camaraderie, connection, and similarities as they enjoy the giggles of play. The act of play and having fun bind them together, which makes them friends.
Friends don’t need to be the same, look the same or act the same. Friends simply need to enjoy being together, regardless of their differences.
Yet as parents and grandparents, we ask ourselves, why do friendships become problematic as children get older? Why are friendships so easy for young children, but get more complicated as children grow? What Changes?
Perhaps, and unfortunately, children may begin to learn about differences. They may begin to feel that they can’t be friends with someone with different likes or dislikes.
Maybe parents influence their children into seeing aspects in other children that they don’t or can’t see through the innocence of childhood eyes.
Perhaps teachers move children away from each other because they are having “too much” fun and disturbing others. There are many reasons childhood friendships change and dismantle as we get older, but in most cases, it’s sad to see them end.
Boy Friendships

When children reach elementary and middle school, friendships frequently change. Most friendships are made through similar interests, such as sports, or school activities. Changing schools also can have a big impact on friends changing. Regardless, friendships can become more challenging as we get older. What Changes?
I believe that friendships between girls and boys are very different. Boys generally keep the same group of friends throughout their school years.
However, they may change the frequency of the times they hang out together, but the core group typically stays the same.
Typically, boys may argue about a particular issue, get angry, and move on. Boys may even get into a physical altercation about sports, girls, school, or family.
Boys may ignore each other for a period of time. Say rude things to each other. Curse, swear, and snub each other, but this type of behavior usually only last a short period of time, and then it’s over.
Often never to be discussed again. Obviously, this is not the case for all boys.
Girl Friendships

Girls tend to switch friends throughout their years in school. While girls may have boy friendships as a young child, they often look for other girls to hang out with as they get older.
Girls primarily spend time with girls they share the most in common. Generally, girls feel comfortable with other girls that enjoy the same activities as they do.
Whether it is sports, dance, or drama, girls tend to lean toward being the same or similar to their friend group. For more information on the Best Options for Activities for Kids, see DETERMINING THE BEST EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS.
Girls can also be much more sensitive and get hurt by comments made by one friend to another about them. Communication among girls is not typically direct and sincere for fear and upsetting each other.
Generally, instead of confronting and resolving issues, girls may bicker and hurt each other’s feelings. Girls say ugly and mean things to each other behind their backs, which can be (IS) very sad and upsetting.
For some unknown reason in the universe, girls hurt other girls feeling on purpose, without any remorse or regret! As a parent and a grandparent, it is VERY difficult to watch your daughter become a victim of her so-called friends!
Parents, we need to encourage our daughters to lift and support other girls and not allow them to disgrace or demean others, regardless of gender. It’s VERY sad to see the innocence of childhood friendships diminish as children mature.
Obviously, this is not the case for all girls.
Games & Toys for Boys & Girls
There are SO may options for finding education games and toys for both boys and girls. For example, Fat Brain Toys, offer excellent opportunities to expand a child’s creativity. Deep Discount also offers arts & crafts and children’s toys at a deep discount rate.
Additionally, to find beautiful, colorful toys, go to Melissa & Doug, Disney Store, , Skip*Hop for children’s toys and baby equipment and Lego, for a variety of entertaining children’s toys.

Finding True Childhood Friendships
How can friendships improve? Why are friendships harder as we get older. What Changes? Where does the innocence of childhood friendship go?
It’s so important to be your true self and not change who you are for a friend….or for anyone! Be honest with your friend and yourself.
No one should feel they need to change who they are to be accepted as a friend. True friendships for boys and girls are extremely important. But, being a good person and a good friend is more important than pretending to be someone you are not.
Friends are honest, friends are supportive, friends are loving, friends are there when you need someone to talk to and a shoulder to cry on.
Most of all, friends are mutual. They are there for you when you need them, and you are there when they need you.
Friendships can be really hard sometimes, but they are worth the work and the effort you put into them. Friends are love and we all need love.
See more posts about friendships, see Complicated Teen Friendships.
This post is about the Innocence of Childhood Friendships and the importance of knowing how to be a good friend!
This post may include affiliate links, which means I will receive a small commission if you purchase through my link, at no additional cost to you. For full disclosure read here.
- Encourage children to play and establish friendships with a variety of other children. Don’t limit or restrict who your child/grandchild becomes friends with.
- Be open and accepting of your child’s or grandchild’s friends. Be cautious not to talk negatively about others in front of your child or discourage them to find friendships with someone different than them.
- Allow your child or grandchild to be silly and creative with friends, but not to change their personality to please a friend. Explain the importance of being themselves and the unique individual they are!
- It’s important for your child or grandchild to understand that to have a good friend you need to be a good friend. Friends need each other at different times for support. Be sure to be available for your friend when they need you.
- Parents and grandparents should not manage their children’s friendships. Let your child or grandchild figure out the best way to proceed if they are having a problem with a friend (or friends). All friendships can encounter turbulence, and then rebound. Only get involved if you are asked to intercede or if the issue has gotten out of control.
- Encourage your children to play and interact with a variety of other children. Don’t hold them back from learning new cultures, new languages, and new ideas. Expanding their friend groups will help introduce them to the world around them.
See more information about childhood friendships that may spark your interst!