Mom Chores Are Never Done!

Are you a mom? Are you looking for some mom’s night out ideas for you and your friends. Here are 20 much–needed mom’s night out ideas that all moms can enjoy!
Recently, I found myself at home “doing” the same tasks over and over. As with most moms, I grocery shop every week and try to plan out meals for my family. Honestly, cooking is one of my MOST dreaded chores!
Let me clarify. I truly don’t mind “cooking” meals, but I’m really sick of “thinking” of every meal for my family…., especially dinners!
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Keeping Up With Family Demands!
When I was raising my five children, who are now grown, I had many demands. All of the children were involved in various sports and I was involved in the Parent Association at their school. So my time was extremely limited.
Although some parents may miss the days when their children were young, I don’t! Perhaps it’s because I have been raising my two grandchildren for the past six years. So, frankly, I still have plenty of family demands!!
One of my demands is still cooking. Cooking has always been a difficult demand for me because everyone has so many different likes and dislikes.
Growing up with parents that told me to “eat it or I’ll rub it in your hair”, I opted for a gentler approach with my family. However, my method turned me into a short-order cook! In the long run, I guess my parents had the right idea, but the wrong tactic in getting their point across to small children.
Honestly, I would be happy to cook whatever my family wants, BUT they never tell me or give me ideas on what to cook. Before going shopping I check in with everyone and ask what they need, what they’d like to eat, but I typically hear, “I don’t care”.
Well, that’s a lie!! They definitely care, because they’ll remind me after shopping, planning, preparing and serving a meal that “I don’t like this”, “you made it the wrong way”, blah, blah, blah!! Huh?! What?! Are you serious?!
Why is it that I’d be happy…more than happy, ecstatic if someone, anyone cooked a meal and put it in front of me! Regardless of what food it is (mostly!), I’d love it, and 100% appreciate the heck out of it! (FYI, if anyone would like to cook for me let me know! Lol)
So again, I found myself “doing” all of the “mom jobs”, even though I have another “real” job. Then I started daydreaming about a mom’s night out with the girls! Yes, that’s what I need to do! With all of my “mom” planning, I need to plan and schedule more mom nights out, so I did! And I am SO glad that I did!
Planning Mom’s Night Out
Now, my friends and I not only plan but strategically schedule mom’s night out ideas in our calendars. It’s amazing! It’s also amazing how much energy mom can gain after a full week with the family when she has a night out with the girls scheduled! Truly glorious energy!
Moms, if…. when, you’re “doing” at home, think about YOU and how you can enjoy time out of the house on your own. Either with friends or alone. Finding a way to revitalize yourself can help you give more back to your family afterward. You gotta try it! See The Simple Truths About Parenting.
Mom’s Night Out Ideas
Here are 20 fun mom’s night out ideas I love to do with my friends or by myself. Frankly, I haven’t done all 20 ideas yet, but I’m working on it! You should too!
1. Painting with a Twist:
If you haven’t tried Painting with a Twist, you need to! It’s SO much fun! Anyone can do it! You don’t need to be an artist or even the least bit artistic. Instructors give simple instructions to follow to achieve a finished painting.
Keep in mind, the painting doesn’t have to be perfect. Really, the fun part is the process in creating the painting, enjoying the company of the others, sipping wine or whatever you choose to drink while painting and the overall experience.
Painting with a Twist offers a variety of events such as: Girls Night Out, Date Night, Trivia Night, Paint Your Pet Night, Family Night, Private parties and much more.
Painting with a Twist a PERFECT mom’s night out ideas you need to try!
2. Movie Night
Of course, there are lots of movie theater options, but here are a few:

If you are looking for an opportunity to watch a movie without being interrupted by your family, head to the movies as one of the mom’s night out ideas. Watching a new or old film can be relaxing and give you a chance to literally sit and do nothing for the length of the movie. That in itself is worth a night out!
Moms can go to the movie with a friend or friends or simply enjoy the time alone in a dark movie theatre. Either option is perfect see a movie you’ve been waiting to watch without having to jump up a hundred times.
Here’s a tip…try not to fall asleep during the movie, but if you do, enjoy the darkness! Going to the movie is an excellent mom’s night out ideas, especially if you prefer not interacting with lots of people!
3. Dancing
My VERY favorite mom’s night out ideas includes dancing! For me, the kind of music doesn’t matter. I love all music and I love to dance, so the combination always makes for a fun filled night out.

My friends prefer dancing to “oldies”, whatever that means for you. I grew up dancing, so I enjoy just moving to the music and the freedom I feel dancing. Whether it’s a huge club or a small tavern, dancing is pure joy for me. Dancing dates always ends up being one of the best mom’s night out ideas for my friends and I!
4. Concerts/Music Festivals

While discussing dancing, I need to include going to a concert or a music festival for a mom’s night out ideas. Concerts generally stimulate every bone in your body and make you FEEL the music, as much as hear it. Listening to musicians play their instruments is truly poetry in motion.
Being surrounded by a crowd is uplifting and energizing. And, of course you can dance while listening to the various bands sing and play. Although there may be a lot of planning involved, concerts and music festivals are an excellent mom’s night out ideas!
For Ticket Options, go to Ticketmaster.
5. Shows/Theater
Depending on where you live, most small towns offer excellent plays and shows at community theaters. Many community theaters have been running for years and provide talented actors and actresses in their shows.

The cost of community theater is usually much less than a Broadway show or City theater. Also, many community theaters provide high-quality productions.
Obviously, Broadway or City theaters offer higher budgeted performances with professional casts. However, both Community Theaters and Major theaters make for exciting and dramatic (like how I added that!) mom’s night out ideas!
For tickets, go to Ticketmaster.
6. Hiking
If you and your friends need to get outside and reconnect with nature, try hiking. Hiking is an invigorating occasion for a mom’s night day out. Actually, who really wants to hike at night unless you’re in a large group on a lit trail. Regardless, hiking is a great mom’s day out with her friends or a small group.

Yes, you can also hike alone, but always keep safety a priority when hiking solo!
Hiking is typically is free and you can explore vast beautiful areas. My friend lives in California and hikes the most beautiful trails I’ve ever seen! Hiking allows you an opportunity to breathe open air and reflect on life. So, try hiking as another mom’s night day out idea. You’ll love it!
7. Camping
Speaking of outdoor activities, another fun mom’s night out idea might be camping. Mom can enjoy a beautiful camping night under the stars or make it a full camping weekend.

For those outdoorsy moms, pitching a tent along the water side or even in a backyard, can be lots of fun. Listening to crickets or flowing water can be tremendously relaxing and soothing. And, sitting around a campfire sipping hot chocolate or wine refreshes moms’ inner sense of peace.
Additionally, there are easy to find inexpensive camp grounds throughout the country that provide bathrooms and showers for guests. So, camping is another mom’s night out ideas that many moms will definitely enjoy!!
For camping gear, check out:
8. Mom Sleepovers
If camping isn’t your thing, but you love the idea of hanging out with your friends overnight, why not have an old fashion sleepover. When I was a kid, sleepovers were one of my favorite things to do with my friends. Why not have a grown-up version of your childhood sleepover.
Of course, now you are in charge and get to choose your sleepover activities. You can still enjoy some things you enjoyed years ago, such as board games, makeup trends, styling hair and lots more. And, you can still talk about your crushes, although now they may be about your husband, wife, or significant other.
Really, doing silly things and hanging out with your friends in pajamas can be stress relieving for moms. So grown up sleepovers is another mom’s night out ideas you may want to explore.
For Spas and Massages, check out Bongo.
9. Bingo
Bingo has become an extremely popular game in the US. In my area, bingo is one of the largest fund raisers for schools and sporting events. Matching numbers with the letters in the word BINGO, can win players lots of money or prizes.

Recently, I attended a Coach (yes, the beautiful and expensive purse company) Bingo to raise funds for a Children’s Hospital. Unfortunately, I did not win any Coach products that night, but I still had lots of laughs with my mom friends throughout the night.
Bingo is easy to play, but you do need to be on your toes when numbers are being called…. which can be intense. All in all, I think Bingo is one of the mom’s night out ideas most moms would love…. especially if they win a Coach bag!!
10. Casinos
Along the same lines of Bingo, casinos are an exciting environment moms might enjoy.
If you’re not comfortable gambling at the cards table, the slots machines are simple to use and understand. Although some people may not be comfortable gambling at all, casinos also offer various types of shows and entertainment.
Some of the best variety shows are performed in casinos. Casinos also host comedy shows, which can be hilarious for everyone. Musical bands often perform in casinos as well, so a casino trip may be a nice mom’s night out idea for any mom.
11. Restaurants
Who doesn’t love dining out?! I know I do! Having lunch, brunch, or dinner at a restaurant is a great mom’s night out idea. It feels SO great to be waited on at a restaurant and choose whatever YOU want to eat!

Eating out with friends is an easy, but feels very rewarding for moms. If you and your mom friends can’t figure out what to do, head to a restaurant and have a great meal and great conversation.
12. Crafting
Several years ago, I recall moms would get together for scrapbooking. Maybe it’s still a thing…I’m not sure. I personally never scrapbooked! But, these days moms craft with technology. Currently, most crafters use a Cricut machine which is capable of cutting, creating, and simplifying crafting.

A Cricut machine is a valuable tool for crafters and makes crafting much more streamlined than in the past. Cricut crafting is a fun way to be imaginative and create something special.
Of course, there are many different crafting projects and styles you can learn other than Cricut crafting. Deciding an innovative crafting plan for moms may be a creative mom’s night out idea for productive moms.
You can find Cricut machines at these various stores:
13. Bowling
Recently, another mom friend invited me to join her bowling team. I didn’t realize how serious she and other moms were about bowling. Unfortunately, my schedule wouldn’t allow me to join her team, but I did go out with her a couple of times to play.

Honestly, I never understood how much fun bowling could be without your kids! Lol! Since being a mom, I only bowled when I was with my kids. But bowling with adults felt like hanging out at a club!
Laughing and interacting with other adult bowlers gave me a whole new appreciation of bowling alleys. Who knew!! With that in mind, I think bowling…. with friends or other moms (no kids) is a really easy-going mom’s night out idea.
14. Karaoke
Many people are nervous when they think about singing karaoke. The truth is, we all generally like to sing, just not in public. For those who are hesitant about karaoke, it’s a good idea to try it with someone or in a group first. Sharing song lyrics can make your karaoke experience more enjoyable and less stressful.
Typically, after singing a few karaoke songs with others, you’ll become more relaxed and begin to enjoy the playful silliness. You definitely don’t need to be a professional singer to take the mic and belt out one of your favorite tunes. Trust me, no one is judging you. It’s all for fun! So, I’m adding karaoke for one of mom’s night out ideas.
15. Ax Throwing
Ok, if you haven’t seen the new ax throwing craze, you’re not paying attention! Ax throwing is apparently a new phenomenon and it’s happening all over the place. Ax throwing is exactly what it sounds like. Each person takes turns and throws (heaves) a standard size ax down a designated lane toward a large target.

Obviously, there are safety factors required, so you need to be cautious at all times. Ax throwing can be done individually or as a team sport. Either way, it is quite riveting throwing a large ax toward a large target.
For moms, ax throwing is a fantastic method of releasing anger, stress and frustration. Therefore, I’m suggesting ax throwing for a mom’s night out idea.
Other Great Mom’s Night Out Ideas May Include:
16. Shopping (Of Course)
17. Skeet or Fire Arms Shooting Range
18. Road Trip for Sightseeing
19. Meditation Retreat
20. Yoga or Any Relaxation Retreats
Enjoy Yourself!
Regardless of what mom’s night out ideas you and your friends try, take the time to relax and enjoy yourself.
After all, being a mom requires LOTS and demands and focus on other things and other people. Take the time to focus on yourself and enjoy yourself!!
- Don’t over think your night out! If you can’t do any of the ideas on this list, do something! It’s important mom’s take time for themselves, either with friends or alone.
- If you can’t afford some of the mom’s night out ideas above, think about what you can do that is free or low cost, such as hiking, camping (can be free or inexpensive). You could also visit a library, which has wonderful resources and lots of quiet space!
- Take advantage of finding an activity you can truly enjoy for a mom’s night out. You need and deserve to have some time away from home and relax with friends or by yourself.