How Many Children are Being Raised by Grandparents in the US?

Statistics show that 2.7 million grandparents are raising grandchildren in the United States. Many grandparents are raising grandchildren in other countries as well and throughout the world.
School districts, churches, sporting clubs, as well as society, should understand the number of grandparents “REparenting” grandchildren, meaning parenting again.
Understanding the role of grandparents as guardians and caretakers of their grandchildren should help provide support for both grandparents and grandchildren.
This is especially important for schools. Generally, most of the processes and information in school districts are new to grandparents. Therefore, having support in your grandchildren’s school and school district can be tremendously helpful.
What Help is Available for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren? How Can Schools Help Grandparents?

Your grandchild’s teacher and/or school administrators should directly be asking how their schools help grandparents.
Typically, if grandparents are raising grandchildren, they have experienced stress and discourse within the family. Regardless of the reason, addiction, neglect, incarceration, death, or abandonment, both the grandparents and grandchildren have gone through some level of trauma.
Often, grandparents are grieving a lost relationship with their child and children are grieving the lost relationship of their parent or parents.
Although they still may have connections and bonds, the parents are currently not able to care for their children. Again, regardless of the reason, there is grief.
Additionally, school systems may create anxiety for both grandchildren and grandparents. Entering unknown territory is nerve-wracking for most people, but new school rules and procedures can feel overwhelming to grandparents and grandchildren without support.
Children may also feel embarrassed or ashamed because of their family situation and circumstances. School staff should be made aware of the family dynamic so they can oversee any behavior concerns in the child throughout the year.
Asking students how they would like to address their grandparent is a simple way that schools help grandparents feel more connected.
Changes in School Systems: How Can Schools Help Grandparents?

Over the past many years, I have raised five children. I am proud to say all five children graduated from high school and continued to college; all earning degrees.
At that time, school processes and procedures were much different. Most information was sent through the mail to be read and completed. Other information was handed out to the children to bring home.
Forms, permission slips, and academic course information were all done through paper and pencil. Electronic options and communications were not the standards; therefore, parents generally had the information they needed to know in paper form.
Of course, in many ways, electronic materials are much easier to access, but searching through various school websites and data pages may be difficult for some grandparents.
Honestly, I am pretty “tech savvy”, yet when looking for specific information for my grandchildren, the school database can be quite challenging and time-consuming. (Note: my grandchildren’s school website can be particularly troubling for many searches!!)
How to Support Students: How Can Schools Help Grandparents?

Finding the appropriate support in school districts can be very challenging, and also very important. Most grandparents have experienced school districts with their children, but often the support is not the same.
Therefore, grandparents may need to seek out specific individuals within the school/s to be allies. Making connections with the school staff will help provide information that grandparents will need for their grandchildren throughout the school year.
Questions All Grandparents Should Ask Their Grandchildren’s School
Specific Ideas How Schools Help Grandparents Are:

Direct Contact Information: How Can Schools Help Grandparents?
- Ask (insist!) for a direct contact person at your grandchild’s school that you can reach out to on the phone or email when you have questions.
- Having an email is great for inquiries, concerns, etc., but having a phone number and a school staff person on the other end of the phone line is much more comforting and comfortable for grandparents.
- Yes, we understand all schools have websites with lots of information, but searching for specific details may be extremely difficult for grandparents to find.
- Connecting with a direct person or a specific department who knows and understands your family situation will make communication much easier for everyone involved.
- Be an advocate for yourself and your grandchild. Most teachers and administrators may know the school system like the back of their hands, but grandparents do not.
- Don’t allow school staff to brush you off for asking questions and inquiring about your grandchild’s school expectations. Honestly, your grandchild will spend most of their day in the school building, so it’s extremely important you thoroughly understand all of the processes and procedures in the school district.
- ASK QUESTIONS! Sometimes, as a grandparent, we don’t want to admit that we don’t know something. But, we don’t! Grandparents know a lot, but we can’t know everything!
- So, when you honestly don’t know something, ask! Do not let the “young” teachers or school staff intimidate you as an older person. It’s best for you and your grandchild to admit you don’t know and ASK!! Asking is the best method to find out how schools help grandparents.
Academic Plan: How Can Schools Help Grandparents?
- Determine an academic plan for your grandchild with their school counselor. Often grandchildren may be behind on their academic level. Establishing a clear academic plan will give you and your grandchild a better understanding of the educational path they need to follow.
- Children who are behind in school or have struggled through the years may need time to adjust to a new school year each fall.
- Schedule a meeting with the school counselor before the opening of school to discuss the student’s schedule may ease any anxiety the child may be feeling.
- It may also benefit an anxious child to see where each class is in the school building. Although some students may not move classrooms for classes throughout the day, many students do.
- Arrange to have your child to see the specific room each class is taking place in before the first day of school. This may alleviate any stress or panic your child may be feeling on their first day of classes.
Establish an Educational Path: How Can Schools Help Grandparents?
- Schedule meetings with teachers, counselors, and other school staff to create an IEP, Individualize Educational Plan, or 504 Plan for your grandchild.
- Setting up specific supports and directives for your child’s teachers to follow will be a huge benefit to both grandparents and grandchildren. For more information see What is an IEP? Does My Struggling Child Need One?
What is an IEP?
- An IEP, Individualized Education Program, is designed to provide individualized support for children that may be struggling in specific areas in school.
- Gifted students may also have an IEP for areas of strength.
- IEPs are legal documents to include various areas of specialized services. IEPs are provided for K-12 students in the public-school education system. (All colleges have a Disabilities Office and provide the necessary accommodations your child may need. Contact your grandchild’s college to inquire about support.)
- Services, such as an IEP are generated through the school district’s Special Education Department. A Special Education Case Manager or Special Ed staff is assigned for students who need an IEP.
- These documents are established for students needing additional support or focus in specific academic areas.
What is a 504 Plan?
- A Section 504 Plan, is covered under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Rehabilitation Act, referred to as the Rehab Act, is a law covered under federal law to ensure individuals with disabilities cannot be discriminated against. For more information on the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
- A 504 Plan is designed for children with any type of disabilities, either physical or mental that may limit life events or activities. These actions may include but are not limited to taking care of oneself, completing manual tasks, walking, hearing, seeing, speaking, and learning.
- Before determining if a 504 Plan is needed, information and assessments should be gathered from the child’s doctors, parents or guardians, teachers, school staff, and any additional individuals working with your child.
- School therapists and/or private therapists may also be involved in determining support or accommodations for your grandchild.
Keeping Grandparents Involved in School Procedures: How Can Schools Help Grandparents?

Although grandparents may be older than parents, it’s important to stay as involved and connected to their grandchildren’s school processes.
It is also important for grandparents who are raising grandchildren to stay energetic and active. Keeping your energy levels up will provide motivation and vitality every day.
For tips, ideas & suggestions for energy-boosting exercises.
Lastly, grandparents have the right and responsibility to know what is happening in their grandchild’s school. How your child is performing in each classroom setting. If your grandchild is having academic or emotional problems.
So, don’t be afraid to reach out to the school principal, counselors, or administrators to acquire exactly what you need.
Always remember your actions and inquiries to obtain information in schools are in the best interest of your grandchild. And your grandchildren deserve the opportunity to be successful students.
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- Familiarize yourself with your grandchild’s school and the school district.
- Access as much information as possible on the school’s website. For example, dress codes, school calendars, supply lists, etc.
- Gather direct contact information for your grandchild’s counselor/s and or administrators. This may include a direct phone number and email address.
- Read handouts and materials your grandchild brings home from school. It’s important you stay informed of school activities.
- Get involved with your grandchild’s school processes and procedures.
- Ask questions! Asking questions is your best opportunity to discover the information you do not know.
- Enjoy being part of your grandchild’s school life. School is very significant for our children. Enjoy watching your child grow and learn about the wonderful areas school has to offer!