Eliminating Morning Chaos
Over the years, I’ve learned that rushing and lateness are my two biggest contributors to anxiety. Therefore, in order to avoid feeling overly stressed and anxious, I’ve created a wake-up routine for myself and my grandkids to relieve morning chaos and pressure on all of us.
After raising five children, and now raising two grandchildren, I have found these 10 simple morning routines for kids can be life savers for parents, grandparents, and children.
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#1 Simple Morning Routines for Kids: Nighttime Bathing & Showering

There are many benefits to showering or taking a bath at night. Nighttime bathing is relaxing and can give one a sense of calm and serenity at the end of a long day.
Additionally, taking a bath at night allows you to take your time, refresh and soak. For children, taking a bath at night reduces the dirt and grime that can be spread to their pajamas and their bedding.
Often children love adding bath bubbles or toys to entertain themselves while they bathe. Making bath time fun will help encourage them to look forward to taking a bath at night.
Here are 3 Fun Bath Ideas Your Children May Enjoy:
For some children, including many of mine, curly hair may be challenging for those washing hair at night. However, washing hair at night allows hair to dry before walking out of the door in the morning with a wet head.
Ideas for Curly hair, for Girls and Boys & Excellent Options for Washing Hair at Night vs Morning:
#2 Simple Morning Routines for Kids: Completing Homework After School
Often completing homework right after school can feel stressful and overwhelming for children. But, waiting too long after school may take them away from the focus needed to complete the work. It’s a real Catch-22!
I find that having them take a short break after school, preferably without the TV or other attention grabbers, is beneficial to keep them engaged in school work.
Also, providing an after-school snack will give kids the energy boost they may need to focus on homework and finish assignments as soon as possible.
After homework is completed it can be carefully packed away and ready when leaving for school in the morning. Having your child’s homework finished and secured in their backpack is another way that morning routines for kids can save time and organization for families.
Great After-School Snacks:
#3 Simple Morning Routines for Kids: Packing Backpacks

Most students, even as young as preschool, carry backpacks to school. Generally, the older the child gets, the larger the backpack becomes.
Keeping papers, binders, and folders arranged and organized in your child’s backpack can be challenging.
Therefore, making sure everything is filed in your child’s backpack can make the morning routine for kids go much smoother and less stressful for everyone.
#4 Simple Morning Routines for Kids: Charging Technology, such as iPads, Cell Phones, Chrome Books, and Laptops

Currently, most schools provide students with some type of technology. Although some schools may only offer computers and iPads in the classroom, many schools provide individual technology options for each student to use in school and at home.
If students are bringing technology home with them for school work, they are typically required to fully charge the device for school the next day.
Therefore, to make morning routines for kids easier, be sure to charge your child’s technology every school night.
Of course, depending on your child’s age, including them in the charging responsibility is important. Yet, I suggest parents monitor their child’s charging task to be sure they are not left out of lessons at school with an uncharged device.
I also suggest charging devices next to or near your child’s backpack so it won’t be forgotten running out the door in the morning!
School Backpacks Ideas:
These backpacks have a padded sleeves to protect laptops and/or Ipads from being damaged.
Laptop Computer Backpack, 14 Inch, Travel & School Backpack; Multiple colors
#5 Simple Morning Routines for Kids: Preparing Lunch

Honestly, making school lunches has always been my least favorite thing to do. I don’t know why, but it is!
Perhaps it’s because I have picky eaters that complain about what I pack. This means I end up being a short-order cook, buying and packing each child their own special meal, which I hate!
Of course, I understand that packing lunches can be a loving gesture for your children. And yes, I have packed many, MANY lunches over the years AND added sweet little messages for my kids to read when they open their lunches.
Really, I know packing lunches is a gesture of love. Noted! Great! Awesome! I just don’t like doing it! Especially every day!
But you may LOVE packing your child a special lunch, making shapes out of fruits and vegetables, and including a loving, tender message. If so, go for it! I’m sure your children will love and appreciate your efforts.
And, it will make parents feel good….which is really important since feeling special is few and far between for most parents!
For those preparing lunches, these options may be helpful for you and your kids.
Try them!
#6 Simple Morning Routines for Kids: Planning School Clothes for Kids

Laying out school clothes for kids the night before school is a huge time saver. Regardless of your child’s age, laying out clothes before bedtime should be a nightly routine.
Obviously, older children should plan their school clothes ideas themselves. But, laying out clothes the night before will help accomplish an easier morning routine.
Likewise, don’t forget to include shoes, sweatshirts, and jackets in the wardrobe planning.
Click Here for Days of the Week Clothes Organizer:
#7 Simple Morning Routines for Kids: Warning Wake-Up Call

Regardless of the day, I am always the first one awake in our house. Waking up early prepares me for the day ahead. It also allows me an opportunity to get myself together before the kids wake up.
Every morning, I go into my kids’ rooms, turn on a closet light or a night light, and give them a 10-minute warning before their alarm goes off. These 10 minutes provide them an opportunity to come to terms with waking up soon.
Having this warning wake-up routine also allows their minds to slowly find their way back from sleep land to the safety and comfort of their bedroom before fully waking up.
Some Night Light Ideas are:
#8 Simple Morning Routines for Kids: Morning Wake-Up Call

The morning wake-up call always comes too early for kids. Especially on school days!
Setting an alarm in your child’s room is an excellent routine that should be added to all morning routine lists. The alarm can be set on a clock or on the child’s cell phone if they have one. Including your child in the waking-up routine responsibility, is essential.
Kids need to understand their responsibility for waking up on time in the morning. Understanding their role in waking up in the morning will also help them understand the importance of going to bed on time, and getting enough sleep.
We purchased a clock that can be used as a night light and an alarm. It’s a great option for kids that need light while they sleep and an extra jolt to wake up in the morning!
Alarm Clock Suggestions:
Since kids have already laid out clothes for the morning, (#6 morning routine for kids), getting dressed should go quickly.
But, keep in mind, for teenagers, there may be more primping and grooming before heading out the door for school.
For example, my teen prefers to straighten her very curly hair in the morning. Being that her hair is quite curly, this can be a timely process. So, we’ve calculated how long her hair straightening process will take so we can start the wake-up process that much earlier.

These Straighteners Are Great for Heating up and Straightening Hair Quickly:
This also applies to a makeup routine. Although she only puts on a little makeup, it can add additional time in the morning. Therefore, we need to account for those 5 minutes or so when determining a wake-up time.

Some Quick Make-up Options are:
#9 Simple Morning Routines for Kids: Breakfast Options

Naturally, all children should eat breakfast before heading off the school. However, many schools may offer breakfast for students.
Eating breakfast in school may be a perfect option for parents who need to arrive early to work. Some schools also use the breakfast program as an option for early morning daycare for students.
However, for students eating breakfast at home, planning a simple breakfast is usually best. I typically make eggs and an English muffin in the morning.
But often I’ll cook sausage links as well. I find that prepping eggs and sausage can be done just as quickly as a bowl of cereal, without the added morning sugar.
Of course, breakfast before school is mostly about convenience, so it’s best to determine what is good for you and your kids and stick to that.
Honestly, whatever breakfast options work for your family are the best ones to follow!
Healthy Breakfast Ideas:
#10 Simple Morning Routines for Kids: Establish an Exact Time to Walk out the Door Every Day
If you have successfully achieved the above 9 morning routines for kids, establishing an exact time to walk out the door may be easier than you think!
But, deciding an exact time for your child to leave in the morning is important to maintain daily consistency.
Therefore, setting an alarm or an alert for walking out the door may help everyone stay aware of deadlines.
Whether your children are walking, you are driving them to school or they are catching a bus, keeping to the same time to walk out the door in the morning is a great morning routine for kids, teenagers, and parents.
Best Morning Routine for Success
Truly, you may find that the best morning routine for success is sticking to these 10 simple morning routines for kids. Using these routines may make the day more efficient and productive for you and your family.
Furthermore, having wake-up routines, and morning routines for kids will alleviate morning chaos and reduce morning pressure.
And, starting the day with a successful morning routine will give your children an opportunity for a full and creative school day.
To see other parent challenges, see the 15 Top Parenting Challenges Concerning Parents & Grandparents.
- Parents should wake up early to avoid last-minute rushing and lateness.
- Prepare as much as possible the night before, including bathing, kids’ clothing choices, packing backpacks, lunches, and breakfast.
- Avoid yelling. Getting angry or upset will only make kids more resistant. Being prepared will give everyone a better opportunity to remain calm while getting ready.
- Give children ample warnings or heads-up time before their wake-up time. This warning time will allow them to slowly work their way to becoming fully awake.
- Don’t stress out! Your stress can create a stressful day for your children. It’s important to refrain from adding stress to your child before their school day.