This Post is about 9 Helpful Tips & Suggestions for Raising Grandchildren and the Role Grandparents Have in Their Grandchildren’s Lives.
What Grandparents Need to Know About Raising Grandchildren

When grandchildren are born it is one of the best moments in a grandparent’s life. Watching their child have a child is emotional and rewarding as a grandparent.
I affectionately use the phrase, my babies, baby, when I refer to my grandchildren. It is silly, but sounds adorable and sweet to me!
As grandparents, we typically do not anticipate having to raise our grandchildren. But, as life changes, there are nearly 3 million grandparents who are in fact raising children.
Personally, I did not expect or anticipate raising grandchildren. But, over six years ago, life changed and my two grandkids needed a place to live…and I was there for them. And I’m still here for them. So, here I am, continuously trying to figure out how to raise two Gen Z kiddos and hoping for the best!!
Why Grandparents are Raising Grandchildren
Additionally, over 6 million children under the age of 18 are living in a home with at least one grandparent providing primary responsibilities for their grandchildren.
There are various reasons grandparents have stepped into the role of primary caregivers.
AARP, American Association of Retired Persons, states the main circumstances for grandparents raising grandchildren are:
- Drug and alcohol abuse and addictions
- Incarceration of a parent or parents
- Violence and abuse
- Death of a parent or parents
- Mental Illness
- Poverty
- Divorce
- Military deployment or parent or parents
- Teen pregnancy
Other reasons why grandparents are raising children may include:
- Substance abuse
- Child abuse and neglect
- Physical illness or disease
- Disabled or handicapped children
- Abandonment
For additional information regarding Why So Many Grandparents are Raising Grandchildren.
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Lessons on Raising Grandchildren

When raising grandchildren, grandparents need to learn how to be a parent and a grandparent. Many times, those lines get crossed. It is difficult for both grandkids and grandparents to find an equal balance between the parent/grandparent relationships.
Typically, grandparents give their grandchildren special things, such as random gifts or surprise treats. Grandparents are used to overindulging grandchildren. However, when grandparents are raising grandchildren, they take on the responsibility of a parent.
When grandparents are raising grandchildren, they need to portray the traditional parental role, rather than a grandparent role. These changing roles can be challenging for everyone. Yet, it is important for both grandchildren and grandparents to establish and understand clear and specific boundaries.
Special Grandparent Love

What Is My Role As A Grandparent Parenting My Grandchildren?
Although you may be both parent and grandparent, grandparents have a special love for grandchildren. Regardless of your parental responsibilities, grandparents always have a special place in their hearts for their grandchildren.
Also, after raising their own children, grandparents tend to have more patience, more resilience and more awareness when it comes to raising grandchildren.
Believe it or not, it is very hard to pull the wool over a grandparent’s eyes! They have lived through many stories and excuses. Grandparents have heard double talk and the white lies before. Not surprisingly, they are extremely keen on knowing right from wrong and are not afraid to give advice.
Grandparents are experienced and wise. Grandparents will also listen to their grandchildren with excitement, even if they are saying no. They are confident of their love and are smart enough to know what is truly best for their grandchildren. Even when the grandchildren do not!!
Growing Up With Grandparents

Growing up with grandparents has been shown to have many benefits for both grandparents and grandchildren. Children that grow up with grandparents and said to be happier and more secure.
Grandchildren living in a home with supportive and helpful grandparents typically grow more compassionate and patient than other children.
Also, grandchildren who share a home with grandparents generally have a higher level of confidence in themselves and experience less overall stress in their lives.
These children are normally responsible within their family unit, perform well in school, and look forward to social gatherings and events.
Children growing up in a home with a grandparent or grandparents have many benefits that can provide support, as well as a loving home environment.
Raised By Grandparents

On the other hand, being raised by a grandparent is usually a different experience for children.
Children who are raised by grandparents often encounter mental and emotional challenges. It has been proven that many children being raised by grandparents may seek treatment for a wide array of mental health issues.
Children often are referred for treatment for various problems, such as ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Depression, Angry and Behavioral issues, and Social Anxiety.
With grandparents raising grandchildren like parents, children usually feel different from their friends and may develop a sense of awkwardness or embarrassment.
Although children may not discuss their internal sentiments about being raised by their grandparents. They may feel sad or depressed about the absence of their parent or parents.
But, when grandparents are raising grandchildren, the best gift they can give is continuously showing their love and support for their grandchildren.
If you are raising grandchildren, you are a HUGE gift to them and to your family. Show yourself and your grandchildren kindness and purge forward. It is a big job, but you can do it!!
The Grandfamily Guidebook: Wisdom and Support for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Ideas for Travel & Spending Time with Your Grandchildren
If you are looking to travel or for restaurants, booking services, car rental, etc. contact Trip Advisor, Restaurant.com, Booking.com, or Orbitz.
Excellent hotel accommodations can be found at Marriott Bonvoy, which includes over 25 beautiful hotels and suites. Also, Hilton Hotels, have world class resorts and fabulous facilities for families to enjoy. There are also very affordable family accommodations such as the Red Roof: and Best Western.
For additional tips, ideas & suggestions, see THE JOYS AND EXHAUSTION OF PARENTING GRANDCHILDREN.
This Post is About Guidelines and Boundaries for Raising Grandchildren
This post may include affiliate links, which means I will receive a small commission if you purchase through my link, at no additional cost to you. For full disclosure read here.
- Expectations for age appropriate chores should be given and determined by everyone. Be specific when assigning chores and don’t expect perfection. This may be the first time your grandchildren are expected to do chores. Give them constructive feedback and be positive! See this age appropriate chore list to better understand appropriate tasks and chores for children.
- Discuss and determine an allowance together. It is important for your children to understand exactly what is required to earn a weekly or monthly financial allowance. See allowance ideas from Scholastic.
- Establish the rules of the household. Are friends allowed over? Where can kids hang out in the house? What are the rules for snacks, food? What areas are appropriate for eating? Be clear with all of the house rules so everyone can follow the same rules.
- Establish areas for school work, projects, and studying. Can homework be completed in a bedroom or at the dining room table? What areas are quiet and private for schoolwork?
- What are the religious or worship routines? Do your grandchildren have different religious beliefs than grandparents have? Are grandchildren expected to follow the faith and beliefs of grandparents? These are important issues to discuss openly with your grandchildren.
- Curfews. What are the expected timeframes and restrictions for grandchildren? If you’re raising a teenager their curfew and limits are different than a younger child. Talking about curfews will show your grandchildren you are willing to compromise when necessary.
- Encourage your grandchildren to get involved in various activities through their school, the church, or the community. Providing activities for your grandchild will give them an opportunity to learn their likes and dislikes and find their preferred areas of interest.
- Whatever possible, attempt to gather at mealtime, especially dinner time. You can even include your grandchildren in meal choices for the week. If they are old enough, they can help cook and prepare meals. Sitting together during meals, especially at dinner at the end of the day, allows everyone to openly discuss their day and talk about school, work, activities, friends, or any issues or concerns they may have. My family often plays trivia games during dinner time. We simply choose random trivia cards and ask each questions throughout the meal. It’s a fun pass time and it gets everyone excited and engaged. You should try it!
- Discipline. What type of discipline will be given if rules are broken?
- TIP: Removing or reducing technology or other privileges, such as TV, car, etc. are generally very productive and successful discipline methods. See 7 IMPORTANT TIPS WHEN GRANDKIDS MOVE IN for tips, ideas and suggestions.
For ideas to calm your mind see 5 FREE IDEAS ON HOW TO CALM DOWN YOUR MIND.