Grandchildren Taking Care of Grandparents

Over the past several years, the number of grandchildren taking care of grandparents has greatly increased. Statistics show that nearly 17 % of grandparent caregivers are grandchildren.
But, taking care of grandparents does not always need to be complicated or extremely involved.
As a grandparent raising two of my generation Z grandchildren, I am fully aware that someday the tables could turn and they could be taking care of me.
So, before that time comes, I want to acknowledge and share some tips, ideas, and suggestions for the best results for taking care of grandparents.
See 5 Benefits of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. For more details about Senior Citizen benefits, see AARP.
How to Help Grandparents

Helping grandparents may be easier than you might think. Many grandparents are vital and active but may experience some limitations.
Here are some simple routines you can do to show your help and support to your grandparents.
Visit Regularly:
Typically, grandparents or a singular grandparent, just enjoy having someone to talk to. Having someone visit them on a regular basis can bring joy through your companionship.
Additionally, scheduling visits with grandparents will give them something to look forward to in their day or week.
Regular visits are one of the most important factors in grandparents’ happiness.
Take them Shopping:
Whether you are taking your grandparent grocery shopping or walking around the mall window shopping, getting them out of their home can feel like an adventure.
Be sure to offer them shopping opportunities as often as possible. If they are not able to go with you, do their shopping for them.
Offer Rides and Transportation
Many grandparents may choose to stop driving as they get older, but they still have places to go and people to see!
Providing rides for them is a great help and will make them feel a sense of independence.
Also, driving them to medical appointments or check-ups will give grandchildren an opportunity to keep up with their grandparent’s overall health.
Prepare Meals
Cutting meats and vegetables, as well as cooking, may be difficult for some grandparents.
Helping prepare meals for your grandparents can be extremely valuable in keeping them healthy with nutritious foods.
You may also learn about their cooking knowledge and experience by including your grandparents in their meal planning and preparation.
Engage in Conversation
Grandparents usually love to share stories about their past. And honestly, most of the stories are fascinating!
Listening to their stories and engaging in conversation can be interesting for both you and your grandparents.
Don’t forget to ask questions about their lives. Hearing your grandparents’ stories and memories about their lives will allow you to get to know about your own family history.
Help Around the House
Doing chores both in and outside of your grandparent’s home is very helpful. Washing dishes or doing laundry may be the best job you can do to help.
Also, don’t forget about yard work and outdoor projects. Raking, painting, and mowing the lawn are big tasks when taking care of grandparents.
Offering your assistance with these types of projects will be a welcomed service.
Go for a Walk or Physical Activity
Maintaining physical activity is important for everyone, especially as you age. Asking your grandparent to go for a walk or other activities will help keep them energetic and active.
Also, stretching exercises greatly help with flexibility. Remaining flexible and limber is a good way to keep muscles strong and stay injury free.
See 10 Easy Energy-Boosting Exercises for Parents & Grandparents to provide physical activity while taking care of grandparents and parents.
Taking Care of Elderly Parents & Grandparents

The most important role in taking care of grandparents and elderly parents is understanding their needs.
Once you realize what your aging parents and grandparents need you can focus on providing them with the appropriate care.
Recognizing Important Factors in Taking Care of Grandparents and Parent Care
- Safety in the Home
- Mental Health Status
- Cognitive Memory
- Self-Care
- Medical Care
- Mobility
- Social Groups & Contacts
- Family Assistance
- Meal Planning
Keeping a journal to track information on a daily and weekly basis can be helpful in taking care of grandparents for doctors or health providers.
Changes in an elderly parent’s or grandparents’ interests and/or appetite may be important information to document.
Additionally, taking pictures and/or videos about areas of question may be helpful when inquiring with a medical professional.
Often patient portals will allow patients and/or caregivers to send pictures along with questions to avoid taking a patient into the office.
When taking care of grandparents, if important to clearly document medical information can be valuable for quick feedback and response from a doctor.
Caring for Aging Parents Checklist

Below is a checklist to follow for taking care of grandparents and aging parents.
Taking these precautionary measures in the home are the most important factors in keeping your aging parents and grandparent safe.
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Here are 8 Preventative Safety Ideas:
1. Safety Railings For Stairs
2. Grab Bars For Bathroom
3. Toilet Seats For Seniors
4. Shower Seats
5. Hot Water Heater Temperature Sensor
6. Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
7. Staircase Organizer
8. Walkway Lighting & Stairway Lighting
9. Medicine Organizers
10. Window and Door Alarms
Using this simple checklist can help you in taking care of grandparents and aging parents.
Why Are Grandchildren Becoming Caregivers?

It is shown that the number of grandchildren taking care of grandparents has increased due to the large number of grandparents who have been solely responsible for raising their grandchildren.
Currently, over 7 million grandchildren live in a home with at least one grandparent. Some of those households include a parent, but many do not.
Over the past 15 years, an estimated 2.7-2.9 million grandparents are raising grandchildren under the age of 18. These grandparents are typically legally responsible for the health and welfare of their young grandchildren.
The U.S. Census Bureau determined that drug addiction is the leading cause of grandparents raising grandkids.
It is cited that more than 1 million children are being raised by grandparents due to their parent’s addiction to opioids, heroin, crack, meth, and alcohol.
Other reasons why grandparents are raising grandchildren include:
Child Abuse or Neglect:
Federal law defines Child Abuse and neglect as “any act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.”
Therefore, if a parent or caretaker is suspected or accused of child abuse or child neglect custody may be rewarded to a grandparent.
Parental Imprisonment:
While most parents may not lose child custody rights during their incarceration, many do.
Often men and women who spend 15 months or more in prison may lose parental rights permanently.
With parents in jail, grandparents assume responsibility and even legal custody rights when a parent is incarcerated.
Teen Pregnancy:
According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, in 2020 there were 158,043 births to females between the ages of 15-19 years old.
Research shows these numbers have decreased over the years due to birth control and education.
However, babies born to teen mothers are typically raised in the family home, with grandparents frequently being responsible for raising their grandchild.
Military Deployment:
With the increase of women in the military, grandparents are often involved in sharing the responsibility of raising grandchildren in military families during deployment.
As research shows, there are many circumstances as to why grandparents are raising grandchildren.
Therefore, it is not surprising that as grandparents age, their grandchildren will be involved in taking care of grandparents.
Family Caregiver

Being a family caregiver can be difficult for caregivers and family members. Although caring for family members can make you feel needed, it can also feel overwhelming.
Learning and understanding your loved ones’ illnesses or health needs will help family caregivers feel more confident and comfortable dealing with crisis situations.
Take opportunities to educate yourself about the illness and reach out to other family caregivers for support.
Sharing information and resources with other caregivers is the best way to truly understand what you and they are going through.
Recognize that being a family caregiver is hard work. Be honest with your feelings and emotions. Find someone or somewhere to vent your frustrations and struggles with.
Although it may be illogical, you may feel anger and resentment toward your sick loved one. These are normal emotions to express.
Perhaps discussing your feeling with other family members who are not taking responsibility will help diminish your angry emotions.
Of course, you may often feel nervous and anxious about your caregiving responsibilities and your loved ones’ illness.
Being honest and talking about your anxiety may help resolve your internal stress and worry.
Opening up about your fears and emotions will help you and your family members from becoming overwhelmed while you are in the role of a family caregiver.
The Importance of Caring for Grandparents

The most important part of taking care of grandparents is showing them your love and support.
In a grandparent’s role as lifetime caregivers who raised their children and often raised their grandchildren, grandparents deserve to be treated with a great deal of respect in their elderly years.
As I get older, I hope to be healthy enough to care for myself. However, if I need caretaking, I trust my grandchildren will find a sense of responsibility in taking care of me the same way I took care of them.
For more information about Parenting Grandchildren, See Tenderly Parenting Grandchildren Tips & Suggestions.
- Visit regularly. Older people often feel alone and lonely. Spending time with grandparents and parents is the biggest gift you can offer them.
- Be attentive. Listening to and being interested in your grandparents and parents is a good way of showing you care about them.
- Help them with chores whenever possible. Even when they don’t ask. Doing for your grandparents and parents when they are older is extremely beneficial for you and them.
- Include them with family information and stories. Leaving them out because they are getting older will hurt their feelings. Be sure to involve them in family events and situations.
- Love them! Grandparents and parents have given their love for many, many years. As they get older it is vitally important, they feel your love. Feeling your love is the most important part of taking care of grandparents and parents.