How Can I Give My Tween & Teenage Hygiene Tips?

Tween and teenage hygiene tips are important for parents and kids. As tweens head toward their teenage years their hygiene may become a concern.
As tweens and teens mature, hormones increase. With the increase of hormones, oils, and sweat are produced in their bodies at a higher level.
Hormones produce body scents. Many times, (most times) tweens and teens don’t realize the surge of hormones happening inside their developing bodies can cause odors.
Often, tweens and teens are unaware their hygiene routine may need to focus on different body parts. Sweat glands secrete strong smells from the underarms, which need more attention during bathing.
Additional oils on teens faces occurs, which can cause acne or a bad complexion if not washed frequently. Private areas of the body are maturing and need to be cleaned on a regular basis.
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Bathing Habits For Teenage Hygiene

Looking back, young children are told or shown how to bath or shower. But, after a certain age, parents do not monitor bathing habits. (Hopefully not!)
As a parent of five and a grandparent raising two grandkids, I explained the “best” (only my best) bathing routine to my children and grandchildren when they were growing up. They went into the bath or shower and came out smelling clean, so I was satisfied.
Of course, when they were very young, I helped wash hair and bodies, then gave directions. As they grew up, they managed to bathe without instructions. However, becoming tweens and teens, reminders were needed to focus on areas of their changing bodies.
Without embarrassing your tweens and teens, it may be important to review their bathing rituals to be sure they are actually getting cleaned. Gentle reminders can be given without embarrassment or shame.
Usually, tweens and teens are not prepared for all of the changes their body is going through. Therefore, they may continue to wash and clean their bodies as they did as a child.
Tweens and tweens may not understand the impact of their increased hormones and may overlook fully washing their new bodies. Quick showers or lack of focus when showering can lead to a strong, noticeable odor.
Learning to Become More Aware of Teenage Hygiene

Commonly, tweens and teens do not notice odor on themselves and can be resistant when reminded to wash more thoroughly. They may even become frustrated and angry when parents or grandparents inform them about improving their hygiene.
Since they do not recognize their own odors, they may debate the need to shower more frequently. Keep in mind, as teens mature and get older, they begin to understand the importance of improving their hygiene. However, young teens may be more resistant.
Ordinarily, teens become more responsible and aware of their personal hygiene habits. Be patient with your tweens and young teens during the early years. They will grow beyond this stage and learn to become amazing young adults!
Teach Your Children How to Do Laundry

Knowing how to do laundry and wash your clothes is a skill everyone needs to learn. Regardless of your age, washing your clothes is a basic skill all children should acquire during their developing years.
I feel kids as young as 8 or 9 can learn to separate their wash into different colored piles and put them in baskets. Parents can show children how the washing machine works and the button options to choose for each particular pile of wash.
Parents, or in my case grandparents, should oversee kids putting a load of clothes in the washer, adding laundry detergent, and turning on the machine. At the end of the cycle, children can remove the clothes from the washer and put them in the dryer, with their parent’s help.
When clothes are dry children can fold the clothes into piles to be put away in their drawers. Honestly, I feel folding is the hardest part for kids to learn. If you don’t want clothes to be rolled up in a ball, be sure to teach your children HOW to fold the various articles of clothing.
Kids will not automatically know or understand the best method for folding shirts, pants, underwear, etc. Additionally, if some clothes need to be placed on a hanger, show your children exactly HOW to hang an article of clothing.
Laundry Responsibilities

Again, regardless of how many times children see clothes hanging, knowing HOW to hang an article of clothing is completely different.
When clothes are folded and/or hung on a hanger, assist your child in putting clothes in their drawers or in their closets.
Generally, children will need their parents’ support to completely comprehend the full laundry process. However, if young children learn the basic skills for doing their own they will mature into responsible teenagers who understand their role and obligation of doing their own laundry.
Another wonderful benefit children will learn from washing their own clothes is the frequency of changing outfits. Once kids realize that they will have more clothes to wash if they don’t need to change outfits throughout the day.
Of course, you want them to wear clean clothes and have good hygiene, but tweens and teens often change clothes or put clothes in the laundry basket when they are not dirty. Or at least my do!
Having them be accountable for washing their own clothes will reduce the number of clothes they choose to change throughout the day or week.
Here are some amazing laundry products you can introduce to your children as they learn how to wash clothes.
Below are some Tween and Teenage hygiene tips and products to help your tweens and teens prepare for their changing bodies.
Perfect Products to Keep Your Tweens & Teens Smelling Fresh!
Tween & Teenage Hygiene tips for Great Skin Care!
Great Skin Care Products for Boys & Girls:
Most of these products can be found at Walmart and Target. Other teenage hygiene products shown below can be purchased through Amazon or other retail or online stores.
Find these products out at Walmart:
- Garnier SkinActive Micellar Cleansing Water All in 1 Face Wash
- Elf Holy Hydration Makeup Melting Cleansing Balm
- Neutrogena Makeup Remover Night Calming & Cleansing Towelettes
Tween & Teenage Hygiene tips for a Great Complexion!
Best Acne Face Washes: Great for Girls and Boys
Tween & Teenage Hygiene tips to Keep them Smelling Clean & Fresh!
Fresh Smelling Body Washes
- Target: (Best Deal)
- At Walmart: Dove Go Fresh Sulfate and Paraben Free Cucumber Green Tea Body Wash
Other Teenage Hygiene Products for Boys & Girls:
Products Focused For Boys:
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- Talk to your tween & teen about what they want or need for their bathing and hygiene routine.
- Always stock and provide deodorants, body wash, soaps and shampoos and encourage them to use them regularly. Ask if they prefer a specific scent or brand you can purchase for them.
- Designate a shower (or bath) time so everyone is aware this is their personal cleaning time. Respect their privacy and allow them time to fully wash.
- Don’t shame or embarrass your tween or teen about their body odor, but remind them to wash thoroughly.
- Teach your children how to wash clothes. Being responsible for your own laundry will help them learn accountability for taking care of their belongings.
- Keep sanitary supplies available and within reach in all bathrooms. For years I thought it was important to keep these items hidden, but I learned it’s important they are visible and readily available for friends or visitors.
- There is no reason or need to hide a necessary item from others.
- Now, I keep a small, cute basket in my bathrooms with a variety of sanitary supplies for whoever needs them.
Teen friendships can be difficult. For a relatable post see HOW TO NAVIGATING COMPLICATED TEEN FRIENDSHIPS.